3SIèw44y aCdlasses, recreational groups, aase Siusdoy SPe4d cial help grouPs have been arranged III tu accommodate chilcirei and, aduits BRICKbetweeh the. ages of 5 and 80 years. Over2,0 people were a-part of last year's schOOL. Purposes of the _C R s Chool were isted asÈ follows: 1.CE A Reuldents. of this conmmnnity are E ~ close 10o the beaches and ýspend most of the suffmer in and around' the FUL U. rWater. .it is important andawe QUART recAutiofito earu how to swim and become t home" là the water. 2., Resldeflts have at their door the <WUUfiflest hlgh school natatorium in the ai. NU.world. This natatoirtum Is tempered WWW W0»00f to suit al w*eather conditions and I.- 5313 under the sup;ervisio f teloa and state health departmeflts. 3. The beaches ,.are wonderful play-. ground., but It Is a. fact that a. large UW WD~~Apercentare of chlldren and adùlts do ~ wUU.flTS fot learti to swlm and "be at home", in the water by attending the beaches. C@NN'UIOUftT Play lu the thing at the beach and pi1oor swiming strokes are. easily lad V.s 01 BRank developed.whndn 4. Swimmlig, we oeproperly, 15 a '-r r ' r* FICTURE FRAMING Special Prie. e«Diplemus end Shepskins Interesting prices on attractive gifts for the june Bride and Graduate RE&ILOINS RISTORING pert supervision' at al fImes whether sýwimèirs or.bori-sWinmer5are using the equipmeflt. 9. Arrangements for a time for ail ages. in elther..a class,, arecreatioflai group, 1or vvith privâte Instruction, can be made. Schbedule.ot Classes, 9:15a-00 10:15-11:00ý 10:15-1:00. il1:15-12.-00 Tups-day- 9 :15-10 :0 10:1.5-11 :00 Wednesday- 8:00- 9:30 Thursday- 10:15-11:00 110:15-112:00 11 :15-12 :00 Friday- 9:15-10:00 9:45-10:30 Girls, .9 to 11 years. Boys, 6 'to 8 years.. Free period for . igh school puipls. Boys, 9 to ilyers Giýrls, 6 to 8 years. Women O(nstruction or recreati.oia.l swimmling). Fam 11Y groups and special help group. Free perlod. for hlgh school suhmer, schûol »uplls. Splash parties and special help group. (At nlght.) Adults (menl and womell) recreational swilmmlng. Glirls, 12 to 14 year.s. (Girls, 9 to il years. Boys, 6 to 8 year.,; Free period for hlgh sehool Summer schôol pupils. e perlod for oI summer hlgh school perience in the Brookltyn Central Y. M. C. ;A. in New York where lhe was one of the first to organize wide'- spread religious work among menî in industry. He referred to, bis developinig and leadingcoursesonï evangelism, at stu- dent conferences of. the middle west and far, west during the Years 1903 to 1907 when he was executive secre- tary of the student Y. M'. C. A. move- ment in those areas; also to his de- velopment -of the Lake 'Geneva stu- dent coniference which reached its zenith during . bis administration with approx-imate1ly a 1,000 student s in at- tendance an.nually. In 1924 and 1925 Mr. Ellilott ade a pilgrimage to the Orient whien he carried a special message of friend- hip 1froeu - the- tudents- of A merica to the:'students, of the Orient. He was ordained by the Chicago Presbytery in 1918. Mr. Ellhott isý now executive& secretary of the comiiiittee on Chris- tian evangelism among youth. In 1936 and 1937 he mnade a trip around the world as a representative of thaï con- mittee' wih a three-fold purpose: first, to interpret Christianity to the students of the various nations visited; second, to sense t rends of *u5 .pWU Cornera Ready ~k uy Now! CLIPPER CAMERA Il :15-12 :00 Boys, 12 to 14 years. 2-LAYEIR BRICK French Chocolafe and AA French Vanilta c. Cre.m, qf. « PACKAGE me 4mW 1Là AT HOME aciU resses o n mi s ~t ip1]> V IIU V U ld m a terially to- the 3,700. students 'with whom' he had held personal interviews during the past 25 years. It ivas in view of this long period of service to. youth that Park college besto,%ed upon Dr. Elliott the degree of doc- tor of divinitv.. of C