The wedding of Miss Rut hisary Cardy of Rogers Park and George Browning, Jr., of UWilmetteiIs faking place ,Satiirdav morning of thi: week at. il 'clock, at St. Jerome's. church in, Chicago.- with a rec eption at Shai'nce. Country. club. Miss Cardy formcrly livcd in Glencoe. Cardy-Browning Wedding Is Event of This Saturday Donald Cardy and Mýiss .Sarahi Cardy of Rogers Park, former- P ly of Glencoe, announce the ap- jeromne's church in Chicago. The reception wvi11 be at. Shaw- nlee Countryý club. Miss Cardy was graduated f romi the Marywood school and then at-ý tended Mundelein college. Mr. Browilingr stud.ied at Armour insti- as another rties. pre- Miss ]Bleser will have two attend- ants, Miss Anna Marie Sheà as maid of honor, and Mi ss Nancy-May--a bridesmaid. Harold Bleser of- Wil- mette .will be Mr. Shea's 'best man, and Dan Shea, Jr., James Shea, and Thomas Shea wilI bc 'the ushers. Showers have been given for the' bride by Miss Anna Marie Shea and by.Mrs. JohnHapp at ber home ini Evanston. The young women1 em- ployees of the Public Service coin- pany also entertained for ber in the Frenich room of the Georgian hotel. Mr.. Shea and bis bride plan to niake their home in Wilmette. Ad j. Riefler of Spri nt îzuest 2* tb h ( Of course you're going to play this sum- mer ... andi it's lots more fun when you're dresseti to express your mooti. Anti that's where. we can. kelp you! Whether it's coloP-, fui twvill ôveals. or a swanky flannel slack-suit, we've everythigyo-ee orn in.. andi match your mooa! in play clothes! Sportswear 704 Church, Street, Evanston -College Shop 714 4Jhurcli Street P4TR0NIZriOU1R ADVERTI&ERS SAVE ALMOST '/3 .... AT SUMMERS STARTOOOO Specias ut TELVNEPONE RANdolph 4874 Ceorner Monroe .Charge Accoirnts invited.