During the past several years lnany plans or solutions for the problem have beèn sent to ffe personally. I wouid flot attenipt even to list- the different proposais for a solution that have been cmnbodied in bis anti ac- tuaily. introduced into Congress. They are too numerous. It bas often been saiti, aithough flot true in fact, that every member of Congress. has bis panacea, the sure-eMfe for Our eco- nomic iliness. No "Sure-Cure" The facto rs andi forces. which piro-' duced this depression are many. There, can be no single panacea. There .s no "'sure-cure" to be found in the. enactmne nt of some> one piece of leg- isiation.. I would that such magic- could be found in an Act of Coftgress to effect a solution. large gove-rnment expenditures.:That has been the sum substance of the' New Deal ,program'for recovery. It bas, failed and faiied iiserabily. The failure, should convince us Ithat we have flot been adopting remedies but onyexcpedients. Would Fight MODopi4y 'That which has been.noticeable ini the, last' month is the growing s enti'- ment in Cong ress that a truly prac- tical. approach to a remedy is in abol- isjing 'monopolies. For many years Sènator Borah..bas been contenidîng, that the proirlem confronting us is essentiaily one of-distribution. He has repeatedly argued that the first step to be taken is torestore competition in the economic system by destroypg. monopoliistic practices. bpace ~precludues an d Fro te epeimeit ofth lat hepro s and cons, tii five years we ought to have learned. Senator Borah. But wI by now certain truths. One is that be one's personal point c our probiem is not one of over- respect to the senator's cg production. It seems to mie cruel.to will have to be admittedi say that it is when people are crying lowing in, Congress is ý for sufficient food. How can one say creasing. When the senai that we produce too much when mil- floor a few days ago to lions of . our people do flot have* sjf - opinion on the "prnnp-pi ficient to put them on a.decent living stating in ,effect that it :n, nit fol- ini-I ower, cient to meet the needs o'tne people. opoIy camXpagn. It is not without Sureiy by now we see the fol1y of significance that the senate recently this 'doctrine of scarcity adopteti by passed a bill dealing with the "mo- the national. government Surely the tion-picture monopoly" without -even people now recognize that limitations a record vote. Right or wrong, Senx- upon production are not a reniedy and ator Borah's remedy for our eco- in the long run only serve to add to noinic ilis is rapidiy gaining atiher- our difficulties.. ents. e-0! m eet the in a Palm B warm .weoth er EDGAR A. STEVENS, Ine. Evansfon Evansien- ~2t . , 0 ý , . ' , , l 1 . ýl 1 ý ý , 1 0 . ý 1 , , iýï > 4 .