Large, whole, meat-y shrimps S a ready ta chili and serve in cock- tails, add ta salads or serve aslan entres.i 7 c 12 Pineappl.e Chunkets So many attractive -ways, to terve Aih, refreshing fruit-Ai n appe- tizer, es a dessert, in fruit slads or in tart-3,,for .79c .-21/2 - ins Large 24-ox. 79 baff les1, Plus oopu sit,, 27c 1hot0 coffse, morniflg, f0011 or night- 7 ti1 S2 cI Geneseo Vegetable Cockftail Seltected varilety ofvegotables. per- fectly blended in .a most refreshing cockctail-Chili weil an d shako before, ,serving-3 for 75c- -"Shaàker jar 27c] 4 GoId, Medal Flour For ight. fluffy cakes. tempting hot -bro'ads or litgh.,' flaky pies-The cherry season is in fuil swing-How about a hot cherry pie for dinner tonigh?-l O-lb. ba-43c _________________________ iM SPRING LEG 0F LAMU., Deliciously tender mneat ý-EsPecially inviting when roasted with new 00 potatoos and served wilth grten beans- lb. MeC no ~ W*5te ,,. 49c IGENUINI CALVES' LUVER. Rich inhiaincn tent and equàlly nutrifious whether baked or fried- 16l. 55 SMALML PORTI steak-tbat wouldi if it is served with A real" lb. 49c FRESII TOMMTOES firm-Slicug sixe-basket of over two, poutds- 19C CUCUMSUftS. Hot.toses digestible and more attractive when ~th.y are not peed- FRESH STRAWBER.RIES. FaicyV Michigan fruit-t , a "putting-up' price-q. £Ju ~CtLRY 4* . Crisp, fresh, snow-white hearts- 2 bunches 29c long green-More 2 forI19C Plet RED BEETS. Young, ftendr-PI.nfy ofgre top$ 10 the heets May houn. served with "bultered greens"-3 bueiches 1 o PESE<m ig%- <Addi %est and fNavor à#% The LARGE FRESH SHRIMP. salads. after they have been cooked and shetioc- Sa good for summer lb. 19C I IRipe, juicy. sweet, vine-eipened-Picked et just the riglt moment-Shipped ta us by Fait Express-Ready for YOU to serve NOW- Juicy California fruit- 3 doz. 79c Commodore SU-NE 16, 1938 doz.