il. ai. Symphtony ..... ..uenvi SlToThis. Temple .... Gounod Fred ank O)ffertory-Theme from D Minor Symr- phony............-..........Franck postlude--4Allegro Vivace", from 5th Symbhony ............... .....Widor. Victoria McL-eod-Mlnlstry of Musicý The Woman's society will meet on Thursday af terfloon of thie week -at 2 Q'clock -at the home of Mrs. A. F. Stark, 2008 Isabella. Evanston. The Senior Luther league will hold their June, outing on Friday evenlig. We wlhl ,meet at the church at 7 o'clock. Beelnning next Sunday morning 'we will have an early service of worship at 8:30 o'clock for the- convenience of those who wlsh, to worship bofore their dalï's outilig. We, invite you, to attend this service. The Church school will convene at 9:5 'lock ou Bunday mornings 4urinç. the summer months. We wlll not close our church school for the sunimer. The second service of worshlp will be heid at il o'clock. We urge regular church attendance and are making it convenlent for ahI to .attend. The. chtirch plenie will be held on~ * Thursday, June 23, from 2 o'clock unti sunset, at Hanms Woods Forest Pro- serve west of Wilmette. Cars wilfl ho at the church at 1 :30 o'chock for those wlshlng trafieportation.. There whil be 1-1i iitod1trpn te.for, the chlldren oyous. Wilmette Baptist Wilmette and Forest avenues Rev. George D. Âllison, pastor 'on Sundlay ornilng at il jo'clock have as guests, the Wilmette 4odge of Masons. The- music for the service wlll beý as follows: Organ4î PreludeL--Prelude on I'Mooz Zur" . .......Milligani Quarte'tte-'Soeek Hlm That - Makoth' the Seven Stars"'.........Rogers Offertoire Dù.et-ý'Pow'eîrEternal". ... ... .si... .. Organi Postlude G2rand Choeur Dialogue ... . . . . . .. . . .GIgout The Noighborhood circle will hold an afternoon meeting, Tuesday, June. 21, at the homne of Mrs. Nellie Given,. 1746 Hinmian avenue, Evanston. The. as- sisting hostess will ho Mrs. X. .. ot- troul. The Nationlal Council of Congre ga- tional Christian churches WIs meeting this' week in Belôit, Wis., and Rock- ford. The Pllgrimi Federation, which is the na tional organization of Congregational church, Rockford. Our Mr. Edgar has been Jelcted, y the Chcag~o Th0gical, seminary as one of the national delegates to this meeting. Mr. Hlndley expects to attend the m~eetng in Beloit, and a group of lay- men wlll visit the council for the lay- man's day on Saturday. It la expected that aflother group will attend the council on Monday. Any interosted should get in touch with the church office or with. Mr. Hind- ley at once. 1First Presb vterian kore with us at 11 o'clock. The sermon to the children at the il o'clock strvice will be on the themie, "Chrfist Within.", The music for the morning service Wlll be as follows: organ prelude, "In- we vocation," Dubois; solo, "Spirit o! God," S AMOS ThrnbuUrg, mns Sunday, June 19, le Children's Day in this church. Both the junior and senior choirs will eing àt the il o'clock worshlp service. The, minister wil bring .a. message appropria te to the day. Ahl departmnents of the church school ivil participate. Children will'bho bap- tized. You are invlted to invite your friends to attend this service with you., The special music for Sunday mnorfl- ing; will be as follow:. Oran (10:i45):, "Andante" (V Symn- phony).............Beethoven, Marie »Briel Introit: I'Cast Thy Burden Upon the Lord"..............Mendelssohn Anthem: "Bless Thou* the Lord, 0 My, ou".............. ........ vao Senior Choir Offertory Anthem: "Theres'sa Friend for ýLittle Children". ......... Holler Junior Choir_ Organ Postlude: IlToccatta" (V Sym-, phony)....................... Widor The regular sepstons of 'the Church school will terminate with Chlldren's Day. Classes will be re.sumed in the early faîl. The Philathea cla*es will decorate the church for Children's Day. Anyone who le willing to donate garden flowers will please leave them at the church on Saturday or phono Mrs. H. C. Pifer, Kenilworth 5520-J. Th e annual luncheon and June fes- tival of the Agaard Deaconess Rest Home w111 be held at the home at 12 :30 o'clock on Frlday, June 24. *The Student Assistants from 'Gar- Scuoiof Yale university next year. The $cout troops for boys and girls, sxponsored' by this chut-eh. have dis- continued their regular weekly meet- ings' until fali. The Chorus choir meets for rehearsal tonlght (Thursday) at 8 o'clock ini the Junior room, under the direction of Miss Marie Briel. This will bo the last rehearsal o! the season, as the choir year closes with the Children's St. A ugustine's Dr. Hubert Canleton, rector Sundaày Junie 15, wiIl be',the first Suniday after Trinity. There, will be Holy Communion at 8 a. ni., and. Morning Prayer with Sermon at Il a. m. Friday, June M, wlll be St. John the Baptist Day. There will. be Holy, Com- munion. at 8 a. m Our Church schools have adjourned for the- vacation,. They Will reopen the firet Suni:dayr followirig resumption of, the Public, school term. St. Augustine's choir and St. Augus- tine's AcolytesI led the Services of Ordination held at St. Luk's. Pro- Cathedral Monday morning when our organist. and choirmaster, Cha ndler Sterling. was ordained to' the mînistry. A large delegation of parishioners was4 present from St. Augustine's, some of whom lremained for -t-hé lu}nhen whicfr followed. The Vestry. will meet nexýt Monday at 8 in the church office. Bishop's Pence cans are now overdue. and should be brought. to the c2hurch as quickly as possible. Kenilwawtk Union Dr. Herbert L. Willett, mnister w&IL ue as. iows . Organ Prelude--Choral Prelude-Rock- ingharn....................Noble Opening Sentence- Anthem-Bless the Lord Oh My Soul. 1 . . . . . .I. . ...Ippolitoff-Ivanofi Offertory-Jesu, Jesu, Thou Art Mine. Bach Solo-I know. thàt My Redeemer Liveth from 'The Messiah" . ý......Handel (Miss Rickman) Irbe new devotional guide, "The ".eanierne iferçnce, eý each 1 9