to drive to New York and then on to Quebec, sailing from th-ere. june 25 on the Ernpiess of Britain.. They- plan to spend.imost of the summner visiting. England, Irelànd, Scotland, Denaàrk, Germany, and France, re- turning hotne the end of August. MUSKIËS MOVE SOUTH, MÀ, heretofore ,Iargely. lÏmited to northern. Wisconsin wat- ers, are moving% south, according to the Wisconsin Convervation, depart.- ment. Last year several mnskies were taken from,[Lake Mendota ' at Madison. This spring a rough-fish removal crew found two muskies in their nets (theyr etu.rned. the- fish to the> water). in Lake1 Koshkonong, near janesville.* The Conservationi departmient is enigaged ini a five-year expcrimental nrograftr<of nhintifiz ers able habitat .forJ ai the HOTEL MORAINE AIr-CoUed D'ioing R... * .for ivosr ea4e and4 Comi art empfinq Menus * .that antfc4pate'. ,our destrea Perfect Service *.planned for thre. diarim4ntatf%g Attro«tive Prices . . . aioa2/s Moderte--aýivaya rig&tý Table d'hôte Luni.cheona from 75o Table dl'hote Dinuetr from $1.85- HOTEL MORAINE Highland Park 4444 HiclIg.1 Paar.1LU DUJNDEE, Owned arnd Operate RIDING AND ALL e the TOWER HILL SCUO4 P ACTIVITIES EXPERIENCED TEACHERS TUE-INSPECTION IIÇVITBI> Thornpson, Director IL for BOYS Ait' ln<luslve Foe, $150. 8 W.&ks M1r. and Mrs.. C. E. Wickmni, of cnuilsr to Af rica and Europe inth11e 3 '.Gay Geography"» Shows 1 United Airline Routes A "Gay Geography" of United Air fWilmette, shozu, while ont a recent Swedish Americait liner Kungsholm. Open New State Parks in Wisconsin Locations New s4tate 1narks have heen 2r- 1 SBASQN; Establisbed