Bachelor, of Arts degrees at the 107th aitilitl coin- metncellent ezercises at Denison university, Gran- ville, O.,'Monida y o! this wveek. Left ta right abovýe: Joaà Giithridge, Richard Ciilleni, Norton Potter, HIelen Clenets; at the side, William ýButrrill. Dr., Iîdgar DeWitt Jones, Detroit, president o the, Fed-' crlCucil of Chu rches of Christ in Amnrc ______addrcsscd the grldtati;ig class of 165, senifors. BAHAI LECTURE "Rebuildilng a Chaotic World" is the subject on whjch Mrs. Sarah S. Walr ath, of Chicago will deliver a lecture on Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock on june 19 in Baha'i Uni- veTsal House of W4rship at~ Lind~en. avenue and Sheridan road, Wilmette. Sunday morning classes for ail chul- dren %will gather in Foundation hall a . Il o'clock.. John1 Charles Deacon, 351 Cumber- land avenue, Kenilworth. who is grad- wl,4ioe Çrnn New Trier High school Miss Clements' is the daughter of Mr dMrs. John A. Clemnents, 381 Sterling road, KeniilWrth; Miss Guth- ridge is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Guthridge, 917 Greenwood ave- nue, Wilxette;- Mr. Burrili is the son Greenwood 0avenue; Richard Cullen is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cul- len, 1220 Ashland avenue, and Mr. Potter is the son of Mr.,Ralph F. Pot- ter, 925 Chestnut street, ail of Wilniette. Stanford university in. California this o T E L At' Seautiful Wisconsin Deils and and A dults.. Clean, Filtered Water Always at 80" 2400-1551 L A c K H A w K