Sj.39 1'! I L These fine broadcloth shirts are ai- ways a. welcome Item. Corne in and see our fine- Father's Day selection In white collar attached or iieekbanid styles. Also poplular ýcoflar attached styles in attractive strIjpes of woven eloths. Arrow Tropical Shirts A new Arrow fabrie that is porous and, cool th a style that W s sart with light summer clotheje. Tallored with the usual Arrow. Smartness and w i t h the famous Arrow, styled collar.. Welcome Indeed Are Smart Nçw Arrow Dart Shirts A>newcomer in the shirt field StYled with the longest weàrIin collar ever mad*e. Splendid quallty, fine tailored white broadcloth shirts that are 2.25 exceptional buys at................... $ ure Tie Chain and Collar Bar Set The Gift Dad needs-the gift lie will appreciate. The design of the die chain and collar bar are $ nlatched. Cornes in an attractive gift box .. Here's »ad's Favorite FAULTLESS PAJAI An attractive group of cool light slh are patterned with contrasting con~ stripes. Many are white background wlth stripes. In slpover or coat sty iIIsuiugiiiuggm~iggugugi~~g~ IInusIImIIMImImnl i i i E 11 fil, 1. ICI