*or three weeks. The next game wiIl be played. by Wihn.1ette at Evanston in Maso» Park.. Box Score Wllnettuc A. C. INortit Chiengo. AbRH ~ AbR H Kaspar,3lb 5 0 1!O4'ow.-ki,21) 5 2 2 Canipo,sos 4 1 2ýCGuy,3b 4 l 2 1'q1u'tcff 4 0 O j Stefanile,c e Hofnnc 4 --0 21Woziiak,cf .4. i o MNiererif 4 0O l.labtida,If .4 1 2 Klramer, 'rf 2, 0OWa0k,1 3 1 2 Huckil) 2 0 01 Balen,rf 4 0 1 .H.Stef*ns,2b 4 0O '0 Mac'&ki,1l) 4 2 I GIover lb - 1i234b1Slobe,p 4 0O0O Hïordep',p),Cf, 4 0.,Il * TramWon. (fletiview ... * N. Ch!igo........ Mt. Popc....... F vanston......... UHighWood......... ........ng........... Othier scores wcre: Evai Highwood, .4. Glencoe, 13;3 Pcct, 9. Gleniview, 9; Whee 2 3 4 4 4 .00 Carna val-Sp;ry........ ... Paul Leech men Brother Bob's Banjo- tion. Piaget ,.... ...Patsy Lesllq Valse-Rogers......... George Fogle Joyons Waltz- NlacLachlin......Judith, Malien U To) the Rising 'Sun- Torjusîien..........Nn Porter Country Gardens- . TI arr. Richter .......... Marilyn Telfer la College Tunes....... John Boyle a Fufleral Maréh cof a Marionette- .held URITU %ýrw haŽd.drvuI lm lu ]i M Lvk A U. m Thte IFilmette store jo il164 WIhm.ffe Ave.ý Mathew Francis Photo Miss Lenora Kritchever, daugh- ter of Mr. and Aflrs, A. A. Kritch- ever of W4ilmnette .received, her. bachelor of. science .degree from Northapester» n, iveirstut t he commencement exercises lune IL Mliss K*Yitchever plans to continue ut Northwester>t for her master's AU.~ Se.n out shat * U .iKU ri Men Phn.e WIhn.ff. 24359