cAnnounce... the OPENING of. and MILK DEPOT ______NEW LOCATION NEW EQUIPMBNT 725 GREEN BAY ROAD, WILMETFE Operating the Only Pasteurizing Plant in Wilmette YOUR INSPECTION INVITED We cordially invite your inspection of this new, modemn dairy. We take great pride in operating the only pasteurizing plant in Wil- miette, where the most modern dairy equipment of. stainless steel has just been installed to serve our clientele in an even. more efficient manner. And to render a more complete ctawy service, we are including a MILK DEPOT, where you-may purchase.yoùr milk and cream at reduced Cash and Carry Prices. flhe saine good 9uality as is deliW- -Ced cach mornuing to your homne. PU R$RAM--BUIER, > --- OeTTAG- HES 212Store anid Plant - Sarne Address - 725 Green Bay Rd. J UN E ,13