rueavrvv gUV9Ut pias me s éanda vIPavv-re. 47porint. wlntergreen, orange, lime Juif, the pure fruit end end lemon- L box- sugaw-LargeI whole be'- 4 cI35 To ser'vO manY waiYS These, hot summer. (Plus Depsit) Miracle Vêqe*able Xnlfe A 1handy kitchan imàplantent that makes short 2 WHEATUES box I OC' wor ofparngpotatoas. "Schnitfring" beau,C or shredding aàlvegatables for slade- Moaaoy Savers for Mdonay AMRCN AMMONIA sar Large- 43c I BFUSN W4 bunches 1 oc CIIOICE POT ROAST. For a delicioUs, "top off stove" roast'-rown in butter and simmer to tendeme adding potato.. and vegetables three-qaaarters q of an hour before servl- ILb.231, For breakfast ichs- orfo CHOICE ROUND STEAK. So good, butter, groiind and used for hlamfburgers de luxe. or beef lof- pkg. 14c good to have on hand ee for dessert or Use A tas*y new fish entee- Perfect es en apm.a*mau in Baked Seans, OId-fashi*oned ove, baked Boston styl beamns-;So good for hanche.. or suppea.' 2Ifor 35c Brown Bread To heat anid serve wlll baked beans--Majn ormwlt18C raiin- ln 2 tins of beans- 1 tin of .bread- AIl fr ~a Top-Notchersý for Tuesdoy 5G ~ 10 n.35e Red-ripe, full of iuicy ready to. serve- richnss--lçe cotd, Jumbo haf-.39C Wboe-.ê?c M wften c bunches ,wenfiedi RUSH APRICOTS lb. 33c e Mlow, sweet, delicious 5 c 9 jfruit-Ige. size-5-lb. bskt.59 doL29 ROMIANINE LIUTCE. With a piquancy .11 ifs own- 2 heads U4ONEY DEW MELONS. Jumbo sixe, fm~ly swèee as honey-. 39e JUNE 23, 1938 Why mnot #*et your pet to a Sunday dînneir every daày--Cick-N.Rich is riçh in -vitamin content end a pe0;rf *ç dog diet-. 3for 27C. '12 forl.0-0 Ginger Aie, Roof 1..r and Sparkllng Wat.r