A# 'Fort Knox GardonW Matthews, 182. Ma ple Hili, road, Glencoe, is a student ai the, Port. Knox ROTC camp for 19389 tt*ch opened Junze 19 unider t/e commrand of Colontel T. F. Me- Nleili, Jflaitry, United States armty. This caln>i salse o /epr pose ofriiu-OCsudnsa tendinig ts nvriisadc leges of the fif't/t ors rea. Upoit succcssful completiont of this caiip asd uponj graduation f roni collegle the candidaItes zeil e omissined as second lieutenjants in thte reserv' corps of' the United States ar.my. Industry Commission to Mark Anniversary A month-Iong celebration to mark the. 25th anniversary of the Illinois Industrial commission was launched Monfday by representatives of work- Shirt Suits This is the shirt and slack suit they're ing in California and it's the suit that arnazingly popular on, the North Sho summer. It's cool, casual, smart ai lored of Hollywood sacking. Shirt worni or out. .11 Pre-Shrank Was/bable Cornes in Natura, Shirt size corne s ii rnedium and -large. 'e wear-*.- will be ore this nd tai-, can be .and i I Tan! i ri small, E secretary ofthte Illinois State lied- E eration of Labor. The observance will open juIyi exactly 25 years after the .Workmen's compensation act became effective.=- Commemorative ceremonies will be held on july 29, the date whén Peter J. Ang'sten, now chairman of. t A re Jleadquarters for JANTZEN apolis,