north, DeWitt Gibson, Jr., and his bride, -the former- Ruth Coale of Wi=Ietka, Will be at home ini an apartment in, Win- netka, for the summer. Their wedding took place Saturday afternoon, in the -Church of the HIoly Comforter, with the, Rev. -Leland Dan- forth officiating, and was followed by a reception given at the Kenilworth home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. George Coale. A white satin -wedding gown, with a lace jacket and a long train of the lace, was W:ôrn ,by. the bride... Her The fortieth annual côive n- tion 'of Gamma Phi Beta wvill meet in Del Monte, Calif., on. jun e 24. Mrs. Stuart K. Fôx, 70Forest -avenue, Wilmette, director of Province II, leftý Saturday ta -attend a pre-con- vetion meeting of province di- rec tor.s. The active éhapter at Northwestern. will send Miss Virginia 'Anderson. and Miss' Larrie ,Corneil as delegates. In, addition to, being president of Epsilon chapter of Gamma. Phi Býeta for the coming year, Virginia An- derson bas been very active on the campus. In: the' animal May Day festivities, she was elected May Queen, a selection whicb is based not' only on beaiity, but also on scholastic and campus açtivity. Miss Anderson s a-* iimber of Morar Board; she was a member of the Junior Class council; she was a Syllabus Queen; on the .Charity bal committee, Homecoming decoration committee, a member of the cast of the Waa-Mu show, and in ber fresh- man year she was president of WiP- lard hall Especially attractive, Miss Anderson's picture was used on the cover of one of the issues of the Pur- pie Parrot and she was chosen to model in one of the~ fashion smhows 2t were. -er uowers. Miss Caroline Pope of Evanston, the bride's only attendant, was in hyacinth bine chiffon, with a pale yellow bat and a shower bouquet of yéilow daisies. Cornflower blue crepe and lace fasbioned the dress of the bride's mother, Mrs. William Coale. She wore white accessories, and had a corsage of gardenias and mates of the brid graduated a year a of town for the we of the clàssmaies c ame fromc g, as did soi c bride. wh ho- DuBoi--The Drake dies Wearing a lace lacket oz'er her whie satin weddig gozun, carrying a ss- bouquet of white roses, white sw.eet pea.e, and tilles of the t'alley, and com- vas .pletinghier bridai costume wi4th a fingertip length tulle vieil ca.ig/t with a out cuter of orange blossoms, Miss Ruthz Coale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. vu'e William P. Coale of Winnetka, wos ,narried Saturday a! ternoon to DeWitt Ose Gibson, Jr., son of DeWitt Gibson of Perry, Iouta. Thze voung couple iuill by be at homze in Winnetka next week. tive in ýini-ai, and she is a member nt~ Alethenai,' *Northwestern's honorary literary society.. Mrs. Hubert L. -Hardy of Evans- ton, will go to the convention as the representative of the Chicago AIumn- nae chapter, and Miss Dorotby Som-n ers will be the delegate for the House association. Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur, president of Leland Stanford .university. will, not WILMOTTB 'LIfg