Anmg Tur Mevm. af FIRST NATIONAL' no "bb seetivo WU MAIE ALL TrYPE 0opFJMA. OANS, Abe.. fo. 10 ye loins with annuâl propaymofll. for te 1 .rliens amovtu l querterly paymen$5s. w w OMU l M - ALLIANCE LUPU INSURANCE COMPANY per....liaols No charge for commission, epprais- ai, phoograph, credit report. sur- attention on the p~art of the housewife t ha a setting the indi- cator. She then - goes to ber bride party or matinee. Julius liuila Hot coffee all ready on reacbing home froin the theater is sometbing to be grateful for. Your favorite radio programn, wbich a little distraction might cause you to forget, cornes on without at- tention. The bouse lights can be time-regu- lated by this new device. Just set the dlock at the desired time, and on go the ligts-or off, as the case mnay be. Ur. tijulian states th cnew robot have bee d adds that when rea, Eprice will be practic for an ordinaryc ich it resembles. JJown tueiu.iver................. x Wooden Sho. Dance ...... Bla~ke Alice Catherine and Sarah Ellen Beaton Glants ... ................. ogers Happy Fariner.............Schumannf Youth la Such a Happy, Thlng. .Wagnesig Sarah Ellen, Beaïton Viking Mah ...... ...Verner. Plui:tering Leaves«.. .........Koelllflg Barbara, Salomon Tarantel......... ......... PlecOnzka Ray Kinder Butterflles . Grant Shaefer Aragonaise.........Massenlet RoaemaryHein Narcissus .... .......... Nevin Second Valse.......... Godard SolegifitoMarjorle Wl. Bc Iillo.............. ....... Lc Consolation .... ...MendelsBohn Valse ln E flat ..... Durand saine rU17 luhI vvoi Liat doc, e ebraurn .......... Liszt lef dock Mache...dCharlott e Langilif a A Carlson o* sonl,hInC. builderýs. ,A permit for the other. residence was issued to Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. HUorreil, wbo- are building at 1173, Cherry street. Tt will be two stories, of brick, venfeer construction, on frame, and will comprise six roomns. William J. Connors, -of Wilmette,- is, the architect, and W. G. Ruggles Associates. Imc., of Evanston, build- ers. Permits for addition and alteration jobs were issued to Clark J. Law- ren ce. 960 Sheridan 'Ioad, $2,000; Robert L. Scott, Jr., $l,500, and H. L. Radlin, 534 Eider lane, $300. Two New Homes Are is building a two- Lme residence, witb t. 2204 Thornwood ),000l. 3acci is the archi- nson the builder. r the other resi- D North Shore Sub- 'hi two-stofrv un- Prompt sice. GEORGE T. COONLEY Local Agent Ic: 0 1 will A on Wednesc S"Islands of , July 1, the 1ý 'aïe a two-a-( :roaci, veekS.. each, E rIn tu* t.f- 1 was at 46~ years New Residence to Be :)nat is Buit ini Kenilworth owing an Building permts for a new resi- was born dence. and a garage rernodeling job and was were issued in Kenilwortb the past He later.