PRONZ ik Brothers NILWORTIý,380-830 15LTNS-26tp, @PT@MtUU1BTS -j OPTOITRIIST 35 yru. experlence. Elyes fitted properly. ]Broken lenses replaced, trame repaired.1 JOSEPH F. KUS S j $04 Elm st. Wluuetka 3671 16A-LTN35-tfc lk1 *UILINS AND UEPAIR FLAGSTONES LTHE SERVICE PAGE. 15 il PA'-rm-iotiN AND DEGOATliNmo, Painting,' Decrating SANITAS AND CANVASING, OLD flôors made like new by dustiess ma- chlflery. Our specialty on washlng walla and woodwork that doesn't hurt the sur- face, yet at a. low cost. Our work ls done to your satisaction by a record of good reference. and best mat. at lowest prices. ME.LVIN WIL. 3413 142 :JROR ak eon erences. 'Ne-4ti) 14 . SHRUI verÏ rn mette4 [.E-FINE ENGLISH SHEP- uppy, 5 months old. W-ii1 sei Qonabiy for good homne. Wii- 0.I. C. Rogerson. 11LTN7-ltp WELSH'TERRIER, SMART PUPPIES. Pedigreéd. Sire chaýmpion Singeton Latest. B. Speirs. 587 Duane, Glen -Ellyn, 971-M. 1LN-t FOR SALE - PEDIGREED BOSTON terrier puppies. Chamioln àtock.' Reasonable. Wllmette 700-W. 2315 Thornwood Ave., Wilmette. 11LTXN7-1t1f THIOROUGHBIRED ENGLISH- SET- ter, male. Also dog house. Wlnnetka 684. 11L-tp taPM PESoeRDKD Lindetnhof .Tr AND.. BOlA1UV Schù ol s LOUIS SKIe sn Pétland, DURKC )ECORATING Vifnetka 710 -4tp- C'~T r Beglnne .54 1 4tp EXPERT - lsh and ne Durkoop 90LTN7-Ite' I~A f I .1 -ý-