ing up after the workmen were out. of the complete 'd cabin.- : The girs and council müembers feel their gratitude déeely'and sincerely for the finial accompishmet a'nd want bier to know their appreciati'On. DAy..CAMP Day camp ýstartçd Monday, june 20,, with a bang. About 75 girlsand their leaders, met Wîvth great enthusiasm at the new cabin and after a get-to- gether sing, commenced their vari- ous activities under the specialists voIunteering their services -for the, occasion. With: Miss Florence MarcelI as camp director are Miss Frances Cut- neer group with Mrs. R. D. Bt assisting. Mrs. Alfred Heerens te camp cooking. Mrs. L. P. De is helping wii dramatics. Mrs. Keninedy is the officiai. story tel At this time, the Brownies ar( having their' chance at day under the folIowing steering ICENILWORTH Monday, june. 13, the Girl Scouts and the Brownies of Kenilworth.met at joseph Sears school to hold. cere- monies awarding, recognîtion badges for work completed the past year. Seventeen. Brownies received their. ciwings" and "flew Up" to take their. placé on the stage as full ranking. Girl Scouts.' Five Brownies, Nancy Chase,, Phyllis Babb, Gwvain Williams, Laura Alice Dodd, anid Marillyn Paidar, presented a play showing how neces- sary Brownies are 1ini everyday lif.. Mrs. Paul Schulze, Jr., herseif a Girl Scout and the commissioner of the Kenilwoth local counicil, award- ed pins to Tenderfont Scouts, nro- I g - a at teen d a nce t, and Mrs. Sc * r i i N E E E J E E E E E i S I E E 4th 0F JULY CELEIRÂ&TION j E E i E Now that scbool is ovér, many high ý - .... F' '- - scoogirls and college students are' The entire ceremonies were im- out at the cabin helping out with pressive, and brought a realization i many of the details of supervision. of the benefits of Girl Scout activi-£ ""THANK YOU» Etes -The Girl Scout cabin, now, prac- GUESTS HERE tically cornpleted, stands as a m~on u- Mr. and Mrs., Paul Verano of DAYLIGHT SHOW stanting nt 7 P. M. preceding the fteworks. A paen f music andI mith to de- lgtboth young and old. Doeit mis it! *iu* iIU 44S* E i E t "Olode 4 . 40, t