Today Ceu yo. af@rd to. b. wl»t fsuci a savlnsplansas s efered, by yeur Local and Loua Association? WIim 5WKm fl*u.I TOTAL ACCUMULATION Bel Xgomtbfor.. PAID IN TOTAL 5y. ..........$ 800 5327.13 7y eu., 4ooets440 50.00+3esss* 10 yers................ 600 716.48 13 yus, 3 months ...... 795 10.00+toaas 15 years ............4 900 1180.15 20 yeurs ........ 1200 17326 «Bonus ut End of 89 Montis...............$S 978 "Bonus ut End of 159 Mondas............... FI RST FEDURAL SAVINCS 4o ASSOCIATION 0f WILMETTE James Harvey Craig, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey A. Craig of 716 Lake av'enue, Wilmette, was elect- ed treasurer of lis chapter of the Phif Delta lheta fraternity at Rollins college, Florida. This was his first year at Rollins and he, distinguished himself in journal- istic endeavour by obtaining the asociafe eiosi of théi "R" Book whic/a us the freshinasi hand- editorship of his fraternty aews~- paper. He is a Newo Trier Higk school au0nuS.. them that a couple of policemen. wanted to see them. Both ran through the rear yard upon. seeingone of the officers at the front, and were caugbt by the other, who had parked the squad car at 'the'rear.' Both were held on disorderly charges to permit' investigation. The one giving bis naine as Paul *as found to be Andrew Cara, .4256 North Lowell avenue, Chicago. At the police station he became mental- ly deranged, and was turned over to Probation Officer Harry Hili of Chi- cago. Cohen, -who, admitted having been arrested in various parts of the country, is stili .being held. Mrs. Betty .Lowe and ber daughter, Dwight , and mQved frqm .Chýieaizo last son and Eleanor, week to take the J. P. Bater home at' 1604 Wilmette avenue for the summer.. Mrs. Bauer and the children, Jud- son. and Barbara, are spending the summer at their borne near Hay- ward, Wis. he edifice at nday school 611 4414 1- - 1 l ll'.,ýý ý . 1 4,f, - ý' 4 ý. ' 1 ýý 1 , ý. ý ý .- I 611 44114