i TAYLOR'S.ý Across f rom Village 0' à Cowy'.New, Combi.a*ion, Offri' SUN lUtH LOTION and - SUNTAN FACE POWDER f or 1914 HYDROX I0E GREAM, 2-LAYER BRICK Pinoopp.le Ce ream wih 44t Midg.tSwe.1 ,Gropes . . PACKAGE !Cie crm ' ... ...22c DErENDAULI DaIoGGSTS PHARMAÇY SHIDER C 1Wd.. 316 167 WIlmeI 20 Years cm the Nirth 3hbre DESIGN CONSTRUCTION REMODELING E.mofary..SUp.ervIsor, The board of ed,,.cation of tlhe Hiietit, séhools lias -aunjouniccd the. leciiojiiof Ilrs. .ilildred jliles Roberts as eleneîîtary su/pervisor for the-e l7lnette school, district. vrs. Roberts comnesý . aWiliiielfe froi Beloit. JUis.. 2(.Iere slîh' lias beec» engaged iii s iîilar zork. Previo,îs ta that, she was ceimen- laU uzp visor iM, Mauefed, QOhio. MNLrs, Roberts' trainiitig_ was at the University of Clhicago, Wester ii li- nois State Teachiers college, and New York universitv mvhere she received her Master's degree. Her classroom teaching experience ilicludes first and second 'grade %vork at Ludington., Mich.; the Rovceinore schooxl at Ev- anston ; priniary critic teaching at Illi- nosStates Teache~rs cuileze. 2t lla-~ Judge jarecki many times to argue the case. The objectors asserted in their pe- tition that New Trier levied a pool- relief tax in the amlotnt of $73,500, for the year 1936, anId that a tax raie> of 15 cents on eëach, $100' of assesseýd valuation ivas extended against the objectors' properties., The' objection, was on the ground- that the tax, rate and the, taxes ptoduceèd thereby were illegal because the enabling. legisia- tion 'is contrary to'the state consti- tution. Another objection -,a s based uPoil the organization of the town nléee- ing. Third Objetiou The third objection contended that the ta'* le vy ordiniaine under which New Trier. township levied the fore- going tax for poor relief, authôrized a 'levy o flot to exkceed 15 cents onl each $100 of assessed valuation for eac~h full aleidaf yerfhat the said tax levy was not iade effective by ordinance until the latter part of thec 3-car 1936. and because of thaf fact. for the balance of the year 1936 Neýv Trier 'township could levy :taxes for poor relief at a rate equal to 30 cenits (as allowed b',. state law) oni each $100 of assessed valuation miul- tiplied by the fraction of the. year remiaining after the adoption of tlic 1936 ta'x. 'e~,v rdii2nre for thàut hr- GNUG SERVICE end MATIRIAMS Ask fer our weekIy la.'. catting rate WArtist feWU. 561 Eooie teaching experience 1abroad as advisor ruledalal ofthte objections. to the1 elementary departrnent at the Collegio Internazionale Monte Mario Wilmette Womnen Given ini Rome. Shie is the author of text 1- books. for the elemientary school anid Degrees at Wisconsin U. of numierous articles that have ap- Miss -Martha E. Ream., 336 Sher- peared ini leadiig professional and chul- idan road. and Miss Emilie J. K. dreu's magazines during recent years. Gerber, 940 Sheridan road. of Wil- The Wihnette scliools have hiad no mette, were granted diegrees at the supervisor for several years. Missco ecmnteerie fte n-