ARCN SUPPORTS Individually fitted; fit comfcrt- ably ini any type shoe. Prit-es a 1o as $100 per pair. Corne M fer Pedo-praph imrp -int' ofyur stockinged feet -no chae. - TAYLOR'S il1 I.# ve I.f.11 Across fromn Village Hall Saturday and Sunday Special FULL QUART 35C Wil5353 This tax is vicious ini its final ef- îect. for the-mati with a smaller ii-I corne pays out.e,.ver, cent he receives, and- thus pays3 of every'thiig',he jgets. . %hile the mninwholias some- th ingtgo reinvest saves part. None the less, it is a tax'that we'.ail pay- ive pay et in addition toal our.other taxes. Taxes on real estate have be-, corne -se- burdensome that they cani- not. be increased without, disaster.. Taxes on gasoline and oou have. be- comue similarîy burdensomne to a point where we have lowered consumptiOn, of these. The 3% sales tax w'as supposed ta *pay our em ergency relief bill, but the: figures of the Retailers* Occupation' Tax, division for the fiscal year shows that less than- two-fifths of the mnoney sýo raisedI went for this purpose! Asofficialhly report ed as of 1.lune 30,1~ ~1937., the division of the tax was: For emerge.ncv relief, 38.8%ý. For old age asiistaxice, 5.53%.. For state hospitals, blind and mnoth- ers* pensions, prisons,. homes, 13.4%. For education. 22.4(. For interest and retirenient. state 1 debt, 6. Unallotted, 1.9%ic. State departments, and, appropria- illir àllt PUUUtor IA Evxr EL A4FL. thing," wro te the '?hantom. Reporter 1 regret that the writer of the ar- recently. "Imposing taxes and more tcesge Oeo h epe taxes." and published by you in the public The shameful fact is that we do per- forum recently did flot sign Ilis or mit our servants-for the governor ber name as -the case. may. be, as I. and the mayor and the legisiators should be very ga to discuss' the gloryin the fact that they are ,pub- problems of state government face tô lic serva nts " and we are the public face. -to answer ail problems of balanc- I hudlk oclote atention ing -state budgets with, new ..taxes. o hewite h.fctthtIdofo Today, with depression stealing our. attempt in. my weekîy ntes' letter in come, we direct our-business acu- to gi ve a re port of my1 own activitiie's mien into new economies, so as ta bal- a s a member*of the general assemblv. ance *the outgo to ýrecluce funds. Bu~t If I did4, Mr.- Editor wul eur flo te tat! o!Newougo!~a f ull paàge of' your paper. each. week planned,. and adcitional incomç ,s when the legisiature %vas in session, filched from pockets already denudedi and I would have nio right to impose by depression. The crime, of ý it is tklat UPOfi our good ivili to thatïxt* t SO great 'a portion of.our 'state 1flin anmreytyigi m ubexteav come, is ýwasted-wasted on jobs, tha t to present a pictur>e of the. legii;latir"e are unnecessary, on tasks ili-donie, 1,onfrm. niy otwn viewpoint. overhead that can be avoided. f ertoeotîyacit-e It is useless to cry -Turn th'e ras- 1 hsleks ht "n fte cals out," for the past century hasl ple-, ..would, k»npw :Jht 1 jv.a, b.) -new set of wastrels in. The essence f ensidffrn t1can1 ô of our. present philosophy is that îeffciency and savipg and relieve the- political machines function on jobs.: present oppressive taxes," I could therefore to preserve the party in,.sof that. I voted against- au increase new Jobs niust be created-to get of 30 cents on each $100 of asse>.edf intopowe, nwer obs*mùs bevaluation on real estate which, if tire promised. LilI had passed, a township, mighit levy for relief. I opposed tIhe licensing -There is a cure for ail this. A civil;ta on businesses and -professions. 1 servce, dminsterd byhonetaxe servcedm nisfthere « ch o ot menre fused tobea party to the raid or, place outof te rech o poltic ht-e state treasury for $11,200,000 jutit Latest Ideas ýfor H omemakers Fretred a.t the NEW iqor taxes, I other income,1.5. his mnoney went out a-, follo\\s: mergency relief, 19(. ghways, 30.7S5%C. clucation, 11%î. taritable and penal (iincluding old pensions), 20.5%ý'. terest and retirenient, state ý '9.5. ate departnîents and appropria- force a revision ofai.the tax-trend by, demanding that candidates for the legisîature be elected on a defini1te prograni-not platform-of budget re- visiton. The cure lies in a programn, not a platform. The program can and must be ivorked out by political economists and business men in 1 equal proPortion. been made -Uv the state administra- tien to -have us act upon efficienfcv methods which might save moneyý or cut off from the books those ilot entitled to relief. I did everything possible to save the city manager bis f rom defeat b N attending the hearings in the municipalities committee, of ivhich 1 amn a member, and also on the floor of the House when the sponsor, = merea.-)M. t. LL The Rev. and Mrs. George D. AI- lison of Wiîniette will spend the r, J. S. Mer- mngth of Julv at Deer Trail camp, avenue, Wil- L-ake Nokomis, near Heafford 'junc - you have a. tion. Wis. III