Holiday for Style Show Slîowit in the photograph above are the.*girls w/w recently woit prizéss in /1w stitdent fashion show conducted bjy Lord's deparnIent store ini Evais- toli. Thcv w7ere the stor's gucsts for a week at Deer Trail lodge iicar maf - lord J anc-t iou i1» Northerit Wisconsi z, hetlley cnl*joyed. thc boa tilig, swiýj- miin g, and picnic faciiieà ôai he site. Plan Tennis Classes I rsh Stewart Purdy of Glencoe, ai te extreme left, and Mrs.. Wenzel Love * Ie carriE of plans club of Vattman and Fric o'clock, nounced director tioti. a ri, 1mot Iay, Wedùesday from 10 to Il 16, it was an- Daniel M. Davis, ýnd and recrea- kt -o; aneiC f< iston. I FIRST CHURCH 0F CHRIST, SCIBNTIST f Tendi Stret and Central Avenue ir WILMETTE, IiLLINOIS Sunday Servics-i i a.m. Wednesdýy"-Testimonj*al Mectig--8 p.m. SundaySchool Execie-9:45 a.m. JULY 3e 1938 * Stbjecf: GOD READING ROOM- 1133 OCuntral Avenue ûpen blÙj'exceptW~ed y) 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Wednesday 9 A.M. to 7:45 P.M. Saturday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and all other authoriseâ 0iriatium Science Literature niay be read, borrowcd or purchased at the PReading Roin TREEPUBLIC 16 CORDIALLY ZNVMTE TO ATTZ» «Tun CHURCE. SERVICE AND VIUT TIEZ UXAINO aOD with CHRISTIAD The subjec Church of( mette Sunda 'clock will1 are held i tral avenue. at 9:45 o'cI( ýc at the services in r irst Un-""g Christ, Scientist,. in XVl- ride ti ay morning, juIy 3, at Il trip, a be: "God." The services turn r the edifice at 1003 Cen- furnisl Sunday school convenes train1 ock. (Chica ne g~o, to idu car Palatine, nortllwest ot This tour incindes a train Palatine, a l-mile bicycle nnér, personal escort and re- ýe to Chicago. Bicycles are, d at Palatine. The bicycle aves Chicago at 1 :30 p. m. time) and returns to Chi- Bemberg Sheer Jack Chiffon I Specials) çet Dresses $995) reg. $19.75 j12& ) :)resses ta New ~hields. c ými"d i,.Shiçglds. 1