Oisoloist ;Soflo,"' ytne w~aters BaylI,ï Hwëil. jMr. jQtis; Organ PôSt- lude, "LibertYMa Fh. rYige. is Erma:PRounds la director.-'wa The adtijt Bible' class wii met a 9 :45 o'Clock Iinthe chapel, contili thie series of lessons on "h KingdomÜ o .! G o d ." r S n a c o l n e t The umme uda noo et promptly jit 10 :20 oclock in the cffapeL, Iin one departn1mflt, 'In one rorl, %Inde; one teacher, studying one lesso2i. the lesson will be on the.-thenie, "The Patrlotirl2 o! jegus, ibthe generai seres or les-os on the tIieieiY Learn- ing to Live as JesusLived." 'Vie school continuez until il1;15, remaining for the childrén's sermon in.the sanàctuiary The pastor is ava,-ilab)le for Pastoral services upon request. Phone Wlet St. A ugustine's service en nx udy uyo W5,hitchurch is.professor- of phiosoPhY of reffigiOn at Garrett BIblical inËtitute j.dl-gratIly appreciated by this Con- regation lais sermnonth e ilb "Wa'Ae Anerian ideals?" Th pca] music . for the. Worship service next SnaYmrielg as- ranged bY Miss Marie BrIelorafl. director , %ifll he as foll0w $ ' ra Organ (10:45>: ."HeroiCecé" Fra 0'eUJY'of Man's D~sirin..Bach nrit Cast Thy Burdn pn the Lord-............. Mne5Of Arthem: "As Torrents ln Summ~ The Quartette' Offertory ýSolo: "Prayer.......Guon Florence Farrar Organ Po stlude: "Preiude and Fugue in NlF ajor" . . .....Bach We In vit e You to, attend our services of ôorship. Our early- service at 8: 30 o'clock is for the' conivenience of those who wish to worship before theirday's outing. The second service is he1d at the regular t.ime-ll o'ecck. Our church' ,achool wil conve ne throughout the summer at '9 :35 o'clock every Sunday 1 morr.ing. Corne andlearn wi th us in our church sèhool.> The Senior Luther league will meet on Tuesday evening, July 5, at thë church at 7 :30 'clock. The .WMomans. society wlli meet o11 Thursday afterfloofl. July 7, at 2 o'clock. Mrs. John cel wiil present a travelogue,, visiting ail of our mlission stations the worid round. We invite ali the womnen. to enjoy this- meeting with US.. sermon try has enÉaged the 11ev. this week t ijolumbsrno Ytevdd o n nues zi Sterling, ordainèd' to the. mfin- International Council of Religiotis Edu- weeks ago, as: curate o0f St,. cation. Attend church regularly. s and assistant to the rector. in The Chicago district prograrn at the1 ling will begin his service a. hdat capgonds at DesPlaiflC5' REMAINS IN EAST ýtines july 1. He will' con- xvill be held JulY 10 to 17. 'Miss Helen Wigglesworth, duh ýct as choirmaster but not as duh The minister wili return to the pulpit. ter of 'Mr. and 'Mrs. A. W. W\iggles- IMrs. Sterling wjll take up on Ju1y 1Û. mworth,15Wodtc veuKn lence in the club house, '.6 T r i »srYweepret nyilvôrth, hias taken a position in the aveue te fra, lr-o!alcire during the Sun- physical science laboratory at* M às- been f i d un as an aa rt- . e iL ; w* rliv srvices. ý ï, icu tts Tnstitiitp- of Technolog y morning o! our au rst Coflgri 'uly, these ch,,rch 'w SEI us TODAT enues Pastor o'clock we union ser- ýnal church. be held in dren. 'Irere will ut pon iGe -show, fashion show, luncheon,1 show, cake sale. Tickets may1 taned through Mrs. R. M. Car. Mrs. R~aymond Lake, Mrs. S. E. L4 or Mrs. George 1{offman. St. John's Lutheri i.a, , graduation :of their daugit.er.. TO TRAVEL ABROAD Miss Frances Anderson, 122 Dupe place, WVilmette, left here Monday for two nionths of travel in France, Switzerland, ItaIy, Germany and England. She salis jûne 30, on the S. S. Columbus and will; return Mu Se ptember on the Europa. Upoin her returl she will resuine lier duties as a member of the New Trier IOn Saturday, at 7 p. 'm., thie Senior Mr. Harr jWalther League wil bave a lawn ry will stay ,a cousin of r this. we ek. lefrtile Uffiy Massge s»d kdein, by Lottie Nats peqia JI tY su aAgUs Bates STm.dn..eh $10.0 Sunda Iof the Bâptist theb held the 1 nome t fý . 1.1