Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jun 1938, p. 36

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Show in Looking ahéad to autumn -tlîexi activity and interest along phiianthropic1 i iin e s resuines hriskty after the, luit. sunimer das -and vacation. .days, bring,, and %%heii the' thoughts of newN clothes for,:a,,new .season are tenipting, the coniittee, for the annuat fait fashiôn review and tea sponsored for' Nothwetr University ýsettienîent by. the- Wýinnetka board o uttines its plans,, The personnet of that. 1committee, neaded' by .Mrs. Atistin Jenner, is now revealed: Exhibitor's comm ittee: Mrs. Har- old O. Barnes, chairman; Mrs. N. Landon Hoyt, j., Mrs. George E. Booth. - ModeIs: '4rs. Chester P~. Sargent, chairinan; Mrs. Warren A. Lainson, and Mrs. Nathaniel L. Howard. Dressing room committee: Mrs. T. Kenneth Boyd, chairman; Mrs. Wil- iiam S. Warfield, III, Mrs. Stanley Harris, Mrs. Everett D. Graif. Program and Advertising: NMrs. Richard Yates Hoffman, chairnian: Mrs. D, M. Bartelme. Mrs. Leslie L. riage of Mr. Mesick, son of the H-. V. Mesicks of Keriilworth. to. jean M.\c- Corklé, daughter. of the Grahani Mc- Corkles of Evaniston. tjoo k place. *Monday: afternoon, June 27, at 4:30 o'Clock, liiithe MWineltka Conigrega- tional church, with the Rev.. Samuel D. Harkness officiating. The--bride wore a white suit ,,Wvh a- dubonniet hat. and accessories, and her flowers we re gardeiîas.-dyed a dubonnet shade.ý After the ceremiony, Mr. anid Mrs. M.ýcCorkle gave a dinner for the two. families at 'the Edgewater Beach hotel. Des Moinies, Iowva. -vi11 be the hc.ine of the bride and bridegrooin.M. Meikwas graduated f rom n orth- western uiniversity a member of Sig- gage nieiir garet Paf Bo vlston( Mirs. Hoh Chestinit daoehas b Kappa ta (FUI.t/ W 1/JOIl iSOpt soit of Mi». and G. Gleason of. 910 'Ille, ilmette. No set for. the wteddirg. Active in Events at Northampton School Miss Dorothy Fishier, datighter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fisher, Jr,, for Orphnge Northî shore residents wvill be afforded an opportunity to iv the grütinds and gardens of one of. Lake Forest's most. sumnýptu- otis estates. Belormne (Beaitti- fui Oaks:) res'id.ence ýof i. Harrv Miliie MclIntosh., on'Sa t - .urda*y, July 9.*,F-or the sixth suc- cessive vear, Ms. clntosh lias graciouslv -consented. to open. lier grouinds. and gardens for a garden.l)arty ý,to lenefit the .Lake Bluff orp hanage on tiat (lav wVl-en the rose garden should, 1w at, thie heiglit of its beauty. M.\rs. Alden Swift and -\r,,. Li1tli- gow Mitchell of Lake Forest are co- chairmen of the group making ar- rafigreù'1ts . r -the .benefi<. ad'r being assisted by a comrnittee of workers from ail the north shore suh- urbs. Attractions of the party, m-hiclh will be held from Il to 6 o'clock in1- clude a flovver, sale, cakes; fortune teliers, an outdoor luncheon served under the trees, a fashion show to be managed by Mrs. Edith Harrison Manierre, with society girls model- ing, a puppet show in the log cabî1l. Selfridge. Inivitations: Mrs. Clarence B. Ran- dail, chairman; ,Mrs, Cyrus -Mark, Mrs. Richard A. Aishton, Mrs. Rot- lin D. Wood, Mrs. Rawleigh Warnen, .1rs. Otto Schmidt. Tickets: Mrs. Richard A. Aishton, cliailinan; Mrs. Clarence B. Randait, Mrs. Rollin D. Wood, Mrs. Herbert R. Butz, Mrs. Otto. Schmidt, Mrs. Cvrs a'rk .M ïr. Harold O. Barnes,. presi- dent of the Ne-,Nberr-, Center leagute, w-as happy to announce at a recent meeting, that \Vil- liani Gifford of Chicago had gîven the Newberrv center a five-year ieàse on a ninety acre tract of land three milies from Antioch to he tîsed fora tm ton, Mass.,. iii connectioni with th"le Phoenix Nighit celebration, june 15. June 16, at the, school's fourteentli an- itual commencement, shie was awardecl three stripes for hier achievemlents in1 athletics. Dorothy returned honme froni school a week ago Saturday. Her sister, Jeane,. a student at Mount Holyoke college, M. Campbell are in charge of the ticket sales iMi Xilmette, %with is George Hoffrnan of Winnetka andl Mirs. S. F.. Leemian of Wilmette as- sisting. Mrs. Harold Barnes of \\Vin- netka is. also a resident of the nortil shore who is assisting as a meniber of the benefit cornmittee. *The admission charge is nominal, with tickets for children hiaîf price. and godmothq WILMETTE LIFE of the ca

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