*show whicfl the organization held Tuesday afternoon -at the honeof, Mrs. Arthur. . Lind- Slev,,, 260 Oxford ro ad, Kenil- Worth. The garde n of the host- ess proved a lovely setting for, the. occasion, the Weatherý was' beautiful,: and :altogether . the sho,%% ivas pronounced a,,great. succe ss. in addition to personal friends, the gujests included the Ravinia Garden club, and amnong the judges wvas .Mrs.. M. G. Kettner, a member of that group. Mrs. Edward L. Scheiden- helm of the Wilmette Garden club also served as a judge. The table ar- rangements only were judged by pop- is comfposecl of .vrs. NV 111 Mrs. Ernest Kuhu.i and Mr 'Herbst. -Members of the 'comtflijttee the club nienbers to receive tions, 'and tuake arraingeni transportation. The,,tour 'v mence at the, plant at Il:-4 mornling. Miss Jeannette Elecis Officé'rs rnThe League of Wonicn elected officers at a recentdia ing. Esther J.' Mohr, law elected president. E lecte< arwell, daugh- vice -presidency w-as Georgi re ~ ""p yet-gravTiiaLhter of me vurneic utiuil %iuu.Al, o Ti iursaay, JIU Î. i. s rvuueii schene- was shades of brown accent- bsbc hsî ersn h ed with Peruvian lilies and touches .ha l hpt coc «to rermouithel of copper. Mrs7-JohW P. Oleson set lege, MIomnout h, Mi., of which she a very. lovely traditional occasional i rsdpf table and won a blue' ribbon. The ispsdet awards in various other classifica- tions wvere as follows: arrangement o f vines, toniage or flovuers in a wall pocket-Mrs. Linci- sley, first; Mrs. Belt, second: Mrs. William nLang, third. IV. An arrangement of geraniuns -Mrs. F. R. Kilner, first; Mrs. John Wilçls, second; Mrs'. Herbert Lun-1 dahl, third. V. An arrangement inia Fourth of July week-end plans print- cd elsew%ýhere in this 'issue. ~Tuesday of this week was Guest (lay for feminine golfers, with an uinusuial' eveîit schieduled, an Over- Fôrtv Effort, for meixùbers and guests. The prize was -%oni by a guest, Mrs. Traver of Exmnoor. C.uest day prizes were seveju. tbree Tribune. -Mable Levina WNalker Smnith wvere electeè retary and treasurer, r es The 'aim of thue nmenbers League of Wonien Shiopp( use their buying power fo they announce. f the to ur Ravinia festival on i nursla,, i Heise. ue30 sepce ob e- s. .: Henry Jn 0 sepce ob s pecially so, with, a .brilliant. wilI, catigahrn of f-estival guaran- e reserva_ tors and workers eager to, Nvele- nents' for C'orne the dynaînic Artur Rod- vi11 corn znsiinb-fis Rv1i 45 iii the,,ins-ii i is Rvii p pearance, directing the,,Clicago Symphony orchestra. Dr. Rodzinski needs no' introduc- tion to this mus.c-mîndedauience wvho have watched bis -meteoric rise Shoppers w~ith the iCleveland orchestra,ý and the' mer meet- international prominence he, enjoys vyer, %vas from Salzburg'to the radio, the latter d to the for his assembling and training1 of the ia Lloyd. great NBC Sy*mphony 'orche.stra last a former winter at the request of Maestro, Ar- nois, NVil- turo Toscanini. '-fo Ulder His wife, daughter of the Polish eChWa~go e Henrlii44 i inQwskd, and Mrs. accompanies 'ber distinguiished hus- ,as sec- band to Ravinia, where their presence sPectivel. will give an added luster to the S of the festival both rnusically and socially. ers is:. to The executive comnmittee of the or justice, Ravinia 'festival welcomed Dr. and Mrs. Rodzinski on their arrivai with a dinner at Exmoor Country club on Jiune 29. Among the trustees ex- pected to lie present were Mr. and V MIrs. Percv B. Eckhart, Max~ Ep- who nave reseî-ve.u hrn îr uîî0 "'two - seats - té - a - customer" for flhe opening night, are from this section of thé North Shore : Mr. and M.\rs. Calvin Fentress, 'Mrs. WVilloughby Walling, Mrs. William Sherman Hlay* Dr. and Mrs. E. NI. L. Brow'n. Mr. and Mrs. James Scott Kemper. f Young n ne of ther sts in the, WILMRTT.B-LUFE younig