In the cast with Miss Durbin are, treie Richi, as lier nother, Johi! -laal-1 liday as her father, Jackîe Coo per as "boy friend,"- andi 6 year-rold Juaniita Quigley as a mis- chievous neighbor child. Miss Rich is re- turning, to the scene after ail ab- sence of five, years Dean Dubin durng hich .she Dean. a blýbin becanie ,one of the gbhest _p aid radio entertainers. Miss o.Iýl f- 4ié-.rreen atthe height of Preliniinary recordings of. the songs t' which will be heard in "That Certain Age" have already been made. These songs are "Be A Good Scout," -My Own" and "You're as Pretty as a Pic- ture," by Harold Adanison and jimmy McHugh; Gouriod's "Ronieo and juliet cl W~atz," from the opera, and "Les Filles i de Cadiz;" by Leo Delibes. e expedition with tus father, found thiat French -Canadiali guides were rnucli miore excited over his haireu*-4haft-his career as an actor. The -guides, who rl1 wôre their hair long as prottetin against _northerni cold, %vere Coni- stantly*w o rr i ed about To n e anid his thatch. of inich- long hair. "in spite of ,the Fraiichot Ton- trick haircut, ýboth Senior and. junior Tone captured their limits of lake or GIVE liER'SAILOR Althoggh Betty Grable's r er new Paramount comedy, e a Sailor," portrays lier ining vine who can't cool Extra Late Sbomw - Clomplete Performance at 9:i4 Suni., Mon., Tues~., Wed., July 3-4-5-6-7 SPECIAL HOLIDAY MATINUE - MONDAY. JULY 41b ýý,ua.ndMon. Doors Opn of,1:00 p.m. ý-Frst Poiure of 1:30 P.iM. TEST PILOT" P "JCOCOAMUT f (la uale-ilyrna ti ;1Un ndspencer Tracy Fred iMaeMurray-Harrilet Hilliarul4 bn.adMon. at 3 :00,'&:50 ,10-40L Sun. and Mon. ati1:30,5 15 9:05 Tlues., Ned. & Thur., at 7 :00,'10:45 S Tues., Wed. and Thu ra. :ai 9:10- * Startlng Frlday, JuIy 8 ",' TUE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD" pj$ *Errol Flynn-Olvl& De RHàvflanul fIWilmette Theatrej j 1120 CENTRAL AVENUE - WILMETTE 3902 IODR.1 . "MAYTIMI' Jeunette XeDonaldl Nelson Eddy Dire tor unch d ft ~ bs six-year-old daughter, 200 Boys Start Riot - sa aydv~>foes. sa " 'rwo hundred schoolboys were givew jobs recently in a Hollywood motion PARIS HONEYMOON picture. Edward Everett Horton wili Thev tnak nrtin a rnisingfrée -i2 a aaton trip to, Europe as so( "R lebarEl 'p