Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jun 1938, p. 61

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g* ClauutIed ad-iertiaements wil 'bo e ! lie onj .CePtedUp. to Tueaday" 9 P., M. for WIL TE LIFE or MI, three papers; Weditesday 9 P. -M. for WINNerR, TALIC and Trhurday 6 P. M. for.GLENCOE NE'WS. Telephonem: Wllmetteê g300 Winnetka 2000 <Wnnetka. 500 aXter>.6 'P. M.), Greenleaf 4300 or OheldrÏke 121&-1217. CALL MR BAKER F011 Reijable serv ice for the -better- home. Shorliné -Emnpi. Agency.. Î46 Eim St. Wininetka. 3012, I 'NPMi3E iIl11,.EFAG l wvhitt'wnli wihe.g<i. worîk iii >slaii fatL]y. Hu'ikipii i ss viuth housewol'k. Noiaundîyi(i*' . M ofice ,iain.Wiiiîwtka la:, afier 5a p.m. CO.MI1'. W\)MN vi-II l vOK AN Y PASII WLELYS Et<'. iIIEI DN'- N ER 1S,('.41E FOR Iilý l E*VES. BESTBEP. 4VNNEfKA1511. t l o)rderl. Dinq-1r an<d jatrti,., t aken uaeof. I{uiahIv onx; u wuliltake pl's~ace for \a;oat a waldir a out. Alu l',gv)i<y. \Wilm4ettt.173:1. I RE5MKI<;BY I AY 0oP Ek' Box 60, WIn 111.ii- 94T8-t EIX 11E 1 . A N1>)1IE'LIA 1LE WHITE 'rfs~N Ai'.o tav with çchidîi a4ve- EX1ERILNciED MAID lExuellenit cook. Wi<iette -) 'va rs References. Colored. Phione Normal 1416. 94LTN- 1 .94 SITUATION WANTED-FEMÀLE A E:IYOU.NG $TENO4 1A['E seek'i fullilf-ar ,t t -in~e is~ition fl i', 1< j'1) o No h loî-. ,Wlmette 2s84. 'a l a jr2 îim. 14LT N&. 1 t 1) LAUN'fl ~Vl1KTO rTAKE V E ASK ltI1IIA8IIT INNIETKA('JNWISHIES DAY WOR. BST l"iNIH GRLWAXTS POISIT'ION ns .î>okni' eneri. ood wages. Cal (;e'i'f2044, 4Tg11 95 SITUATION wANT!D-MALE Odd Jobs Aroiiid the Houise FAST AND RELIABLE. CALL BE- tween 8 :30 a. ni. and 5 p. ni. Glenco)e 21SI6. . 5LTN8-Ilp * a.2 years last place. Single. 2--) 1)1(1i. Please -dl Liwo.lni 2560 day. Hedge trinmng and odu Ask for Ernst 1111101,Wimette 95LT Ili , S('HOO)(Ili BOXW 4NTS jolis areoind the Ilouse ajnd cari i'ANTiG.INSIDL- OR OlU' and. .îil *d Ij(ols. A-1 Nor th i.e:~vfCe. ->î'a'Wilmette ,ý3 i'.- Pute. -o.) 1, BETTER JOBS - BETTER PAY SI-ORINE EMNPL. AGENCY 746 Ein St. Winnetka 3012 97LTýN8-ltc Exper., Maids' Wanted GOOD WAGES .inid.gren Empi. Agençcy AMY -HULTG REN, PROP. 799 Eim St. Winn. 1047 97LTN50-rtfc 4!IRL FOR ULtANING AN D IRON- ing, three* aftriioons a. week; afternoon through dinner. No cook- ing, niosjiil children. Wiimette 1693. 97LTNS-l*tp WHITE %MAID-EXP., GOOD 000K,- 1tor genie-al housework. References. No %ashing. Pleasant room, private bath. (ood wagec. Kenilworth 26 10. 97LTN84ltc COMPETENT WHITE HELP WANT- ed. wlth good ref. Apply in person. ALL tMPLOYMENT SE~RVICE 9 7LTN4 3-tfc GIRL, WHITJE, GEN. HOU-SEWORK. Experýienëed. Over 20. Three children, s(-hool age. Own roorni.(Ca Il Wilmette.952, 97LTN8-ltp -Exper. ceook and general housemaid. WVhite. No 1aundry. Two in family. Ileasant stropüindling.s. Refs. Glen. 711. 97LTN8-ltp 98 HELP WANTED-MALP. ýgelrators. .Apply te Nortli Conpaiiý', 721 Elin Streel a. 98L HELP WTD.-MALE & FgW NTED - 2 MEN AND V lege studenlts to sell a new FOR SATISFACTION AND VNALUE » '37- Packard'Formai sedan.....-$,9 '38 Packard. miiod.,127 tour. sed.....1-5. '37 LaSalle'touir sed..- 1)095 '38 Cad. 60 cl. cpe. .1,Y625 '34-Pierce "8" cl., sed 365 '37 Olds 6 tour. s 775 '35 LaSalle 5 sed.. ...545 '36 Packard 120 conv. sedan............ 715 '35 Packard 1203 sed 675'~ '35 Buick tr. cpe...... -495 '36 Forci tr. sed...... 395 1810 Ridge Ave, Wii. 956, Winn. 1673 105LTN-lte, lis FOR RENT-ROOMU Roorn With Twin Beds SOUTHEAST E X P0S UR E. NEÂR transportation. Willnette 2611. 116LTN8-ltp FOR 'i 3 bik. -EFlrn- SINGLE ROOM. 2 transportation. and Private family. Gent 1References required.1 SINGLE ROOM WI lovely Wilmette hi Corivenient to North- N. W. R. R. Ph. Wili I-ltp

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