together mnd ispend the afteirno0fl. Al qwhO' wouldIlike teo go 8should- notify Mrs. S. B. Haàleyr,'1436 Lake ave-, nue, or telephone- Wilmnette 32-96. She would like aiso. to bave the names of those who ca.n 1drive others up in their The 'rector exPeets to leave 'On'his vacation in northern Ontaro this wek During hisabsence the services wiil be coriducted b>' the assistant, the Rev. have taken up their resldence Ini St. AugustiiIe's club house, 1126' Wilmette avenue. Their teiepýhonfe number Us 6'iet 133. St. Jo/zn's Lutheran Wiimette and Park avenues l. . ockel. pastor preaeh at the clOSing service ofw. w"..i..1 at 7.45 Pa. The Fifth division is sponisorinlg a tour> to the air-Conditioned plant of the Jewel 'rea compafly at flarringtofl on Wednes- daY july 2û. _Fveryone is eordialIY in- \vitedà. If interested, please, eat Mrs. il, L.* lMitchell, Wilmetite 122. * There. wili be luncheon and an afteriloon party, Cars wili leave Wilimette around 10 :30 The Rock River Confetefce third an-* nuai Retreat Wili be held at -Coilege Campl Lake Geneva, Wis. September 2, 3l' 4, and. 5. First Congregatiloal T .n1' -and i lVinettè -avenues,,, )I~ CitY, ili.. for Auý' The pas tor Will reepoîid to requést for, pastoral servides whop needed- Phone Wilmette 3876. English L theran. Severith street at rela "A ncHlTJSE OF WORtsfiI>' The Rev. David R. Kabýeie, pastor S17XDAY SERVICES EajrlY service............. ::10 a. in. Church schOol....... 9 :35 a. in., Second m.. The mùusic for the services of wor- ship next Sunday nurniTig is as fol-ý lows: Organ Peud-"ftig *.from n r lesieflue > . . . .. . . ... izet Soio--Near to the 1 cate i;9 ... ... cAfoe US *~S * p e S * *5*****. S * e e . . * *. S * S * e.. e eps.. uiIlday school becZ at outing, sec be -eh. aninuàl church tling will be held ,I >.woe.n Rkokie ph4rnY...........--*« Victoria Led.Mntrc We invite you tc, oshp' oursevices flnext Sulda>' fluor biave Lis a Our Chuirch school wil continue. throughout the suinifer nionths con- 1vening at 9 :35 o'cloC'k. Titere are classes .for ail ages. '4otne iarn with Lus in our Church schgol. Il Oln Snday afterfloûf, July 17, the "The pow%,er of ..... M atthew 14 :23-33A ccessional C .... . rysingeP the pastor and his famui nsin for their vacation. if of a p4stor are required st 4, piease caîl the ReV. nger at 'Glencoe 896 or the ndrs a Dvis 1250. Durinlg womnen a, be a J Baptist tj&U7Ch &ages 4t Forest and Wilmette avenues missions, Dr. George D. Allimon, minuter and harn nia>'be h The commlinity service of mnorning who is, th ker. A" course ri by 'the 11ev. nt] grouP Con- 4 people, the 'here wvill aIlse for ýhiIdren, p,. Bible study. story pcriod ýer infortnatit«n ev. Mr. Kbl the afttnooli there w' prograni at the IswimMI riorflifg and ---'-e II. n thé after- The Ch ildrens' Sermon will be on the-o tI will also thenie, Always On Top," hih is Mi Pep&sDykeeping with the lessoil in thie Sunita,.% Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Alleni,, 229 Teop e n achool. \Vood court, and their son, Oerry, The .Queenare leaving Saturday of this week for ýtreat wiil be The attendance at hurch this mn- - fishing tp to Eagle River, Wis. :45 a.m. I e vrgesaot1% uhrta be a stunt mer llerageslaboti1 %rhigher tjua ç pool. The last year in the arne period. Weare ' bYwl onfinstee L4.50- 20IC On go tC the - befor, P. A. 1~00