perts as the soution for many of the zoning problems of residential Sub- urbs, following a recent, decision. byý the Illinois Su4premne court. The court decision upheld the right of the, city of Evanston to create sucli a zone to stop the encroachment of business on single-family resi- dential areas. Jobn F. Manierre, a member of. the. Winnetka village board, acted as special counsel for the city. Mr. Manierre also reported at the meceting of bis village board on Tues- day night of this week', that the zoning and planning commission of bisý community hiad met recently witb a number of real estate men to study the problem. Would Bar "Flats" Under the most advanced planis wTiéki'haveélbeen -brou ght'betère îhe offici ais of nmany *North Shore vil- lages lately, it bas been proposed that sections around commercial and indstrial areas be re-zoned to permit .individual family units built in groups, but not to allow ediices of the old- fashioned "apartrient" or "flat" type. It has been pointed out,. however., that the. usual two-flat type of struc- ture is often not profitable on the nortlh shore.,11 T. W.d i. Sepf.uber Announicement is mode of the engagement and approachitag .ar- riage of Miss Bernice Augdahl, daughier of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Augdahl of 564 Provident avenioe, Winnetka, to George Schertner, PEACHES *.. meBsKr 1 3C SWEET i We~u HONEY DEWS LARG E SIZE, EAè '235c FINE EATING ., JUICY. Plums BASKE T19c Lemons DZ 5 PERSIAN LIMES SWEET TENDER e ee ee ee eDOZ. 1 9 PUAS e e e e o 0 0 0. - FIRM RIPE ksITOMATOB BLUE VALLEY 3,LBS.I FOR2I5C e 'e e e e . e e e FOR 1 5c LB.FOR 1#5C or CHASE & SANBORN the lNorthl Shore ; to create ný againlst the expansion of coma and industrial zones; to allow w in the vilrages to live in the munities; to protect the integi s;ng1pe-famil use ai~ rea's, fi e e* 9.. rs HOME 1-I -) 1 Four-veair-old EAST IVORY FLAKES eLBi * .. eLARGE PKGS. 1 9c o e. e **.e e 'p Phone wilmette or r( to