IIIFOCALS Miss Edna Dean Baker, president AU Vodc Done in Ou0W o of the college, was to give a tea lu 1 roThursday afternoon in the Aluinnae 111 C.fvu. WImut. 214club roomh for the exhibitors and colý- 1111 Cu* I..limefe 1114lege faculty in honor -of the opening, Opposne, WUm.ff. Theatr of the exhîbit. ne public question bas beeri more ex7 tensively debàted over a period of years than that pertaining te railroads. But -that which we should realize is that theý question wbetber the Federal Governinent should take over the rail- roads is fastceasing te be an academic one. For the moment the general public seems to be apathetic and. indifferent. The indifference is probably te be ac- counted for, at least in part, by the fact that public attention has been definitely focused upon other issues-unemploy- ment, relief, agricultural adjustnient ef- forts and constitutionalism. Appreciates Problemn The man-in-the-street appreciatek the' existence of a railroad problem. He' is _sympathetic and wishes sometbing as wvill permit the fuit economic cevel- opinent of the district it. serves; (3), It nmust pay its employees that %iagc, which, unlder reasonable working con- ditions,will permiit themi to live in decency anid comfort, under sanitary conditions,, and to educate. and brin g up their cbjîdren as self -respecting members of society»" Many Advocat. Change. To be sure, flot ail our railroad sys- tems have been able to follow t hose tbree essential principles. There haveý been material departures from theni. The resit is that government owner- sh'p-operation is being actively ad- voated Wiofiial Washington. .Govern- ment ownership may or may.flot be the solution. -The faut is that the advôcates aeincrasinz in number andi influet-ice.. t .e ii-uiuthe trati- SOf the proper t. For the tracli- .riment as a regu- ibstituted the rolc hip. This being. tinly it would inet inistration shQuld' govenrnent own- a luwys get away. With the fisherman it's sometimies luck. But wi'th the sales that there are threc essential te the C( Attorn eyswl cture at Law :)f tnat progralm. iTne te be academlic. It suddenly corne to 111e. CAMP Pire Scribe 01L tof n