lall that will ue oti mivrest iu upcîr loyers throughout the Middle-West. Beginning.on, October 29 with non-subscription p e rfor ma nce of 'Otello,"1 witb Helen Jepsôn, Giovanni Martinelli. and Lawrence Tibbett singing the principal roles, the opera season will continue for seven weeks. Liat Famm.d Aaista Among the' famous artists wlo- will appear in Chicago opera are Grace Moore, Kirsten Flagstad, Lily Pons, Bruna Castagna, Gertrud Wet- tergren, josepb Bentonelli, Charles Hackett, John Charles Thomas, and Alexander Kipnis. In addition to the standard reper-, toire, which i n c 1 u d e s "Louise,." DatiE ballet director and premniere danseuse of -the Louisville Civic Arts association and guest artist of tbeCinicinnati Sum- mier.Opera associatiïon, and in 1937 gave a solo recital tour in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland. Jaywalkers, Ligkt Jum Pers., Lead i Pedestrian Deaths> Pedestrians are forever g e t t i n g t>emselves- killed, and motorists find themselves, shoulderinig 'al *the blame, w hether they are alNways at fault or not. Every ,day we hear of automo- bile, accidents, says Carl A. _Barrett, facturer wonclers why ne îost an im- oortant contract a month later. A' drive'-away truckioad of cars blocks a narrow.road for tbree miles-and a, fleet order goes to a competing make. It isni't logical. The driver ýof this drive-away truck worked for a trucking corm rpany-but the disgrun- tled pinrchasing agent bebind him orily, remnembered the name of the cars. "Right now your trucks are malcing an. impression on some people. Is it' an impressiôn of which you will be proud? Or are they st oring Uqp subconscious grievances in the minds of possible ýcustomi-ers that will leap out and strangle some of your :best sales promotions? "Anyway-your trucks are adver- tising you. How?t* are listea in C revivais raine carly aan. She appcared Carpenter's xa, of ftheIiii ment' mt hUatn r111V MAqIc *ballet bas been engaged. In additioii to its appearances. witb the opera this Pbilaelphia dance group wil present a series of seven ballet per- formances in' the Civic Opera boulse under auspices of the City, Opera compafly, "'DRIVING' North Shore Man '% When EmpIoyi BUSINESS AWAY" Warns of Dangers to Good Wil yees Advertise Negatively I j ing that owners of delivery trucks Fin of Beach WaIIy (above) andl Billy Contre emonst rate that a gu%, can have a gof fun with ain oid. inner tube. bte photo ivas taken just recently tWilinettc beach by John Bail. ,oes on to enumerate.1 s of negative advertis-.1 went to a florist in( e bis, driver had stt eat fa: n was st ted, wasi the( whien tatý driver w' Last district a ed in so0 96 Were ority of celit 1