program. I5autiuI campus on' the. shor Of Lake Michigan, spaious> playiag fields,,amd garens-nenvimnt ncon- ,ducive £0 w*holeëome growth of mmind, and body,and spirit. AIS. Jaler Sceel For caSloE address: lefflstrar Box L. B. 'Kemper Rai, Keno*bu, Wise. west- in tnetin. oGI rypa James S. Keller and bis two daugh- sho n ters, Marny and Jane, 127 Linden regulatioiis. avenue, lef t last week-end for Long Lake, Wis. M rs. Keller will join them later on in the season. IIILLC'e S FM GJS le to rents IMarjorie to it now realize, that th e re isi much more to be donc in respect to pro-, vidinig the .right schooL 'The îi-" tentions. of our parenits ivere good but t he results wvere not always commendable. A shoe th-it doesn't fit is Nwrse. thati useless., A.schoot; may be wven more- harmful. It mayý cripple the brain, As. attrac.tive and unsPoiled as it was centuries ago when it. was a favored Cree and. Ojibway Indian water trail from Lake Superior - to James,,Bay, the Montreal River canoe. trip in the wild country south of Cha- leau, Ontario, affords an idéal summer vacation for the lover of> the great outdoors. Excellent fishing, big gamùe a-plenty, str i king scenery and easy paddling are the chief attractions,,of the 125-mile outing from Chapleau on the main line of. the Canadian Pac iflc- railway to a, point on the Algoma Central, 105 milesý f roin Franz and .90 ifles'f rom Sault Ste. Marie, The route is easily cov-. ered in seven days, but a more leisurely outing brings extra enjoyment, since IERT'S PR TENNIS CHOICE RocI FAMII.V BUNGALOV MS few places o for the .amat( is possible to of a moose. Portages ar( SPEND YOUR VACATION At This Outstanding Resort Location ON GULL LAKE ÀR 1 N ER 'D Li I LU.L C e% IrTÀ WO1týGE<ST TtV VM interest you, talk to as many people as you cari abot tthem; parents wvhose chil- dren have gone to the school as well as those who are now attending. Most of these ideas will be prej udiced either for or against the school but from these varying opinions you will bc able t.o arrive at a fairly sound estirnate. finst oft f amily 'wi Chicago. !r, wne, urn to Arrange Luxùrv Late -Summer Tours West America wants to travel in, style. Running counter to general economic trends, domestic luxury travel is 6n the increase and more people are vi siting the scenic.. regions of. this Country. and Canada in the same de JCIHS -.....onjjy iiitres-tiflg e: home in late and have airea Iber of public talks. eriences to ne- rgiven a nuni- 1 fish- Chap- ie, and tunities. 1as- it en feet. none neri- ) col 71 - r ýýl \-