Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Jul 1938, p. 22

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towns in Illinois and .nine states, in- cluding California and Florida, are rep- resé'nted in . the enrofiment. Ail of the children, are taking the regular, six-weekà' summer course of study which began on -June 20 and wil continue to Jul y 29. The curriculum dur- ing the sunimer is flot set and centers around individual, and. group interests of the chidren. Miss Baker explained. For instance, 12 students who showed special interest in experimentaàl music are enrolled in a miusic class wbere. under the direction of'David Dushkin and Miss Patricia Berkson of the Win-' netka School of Musical Arts, they are learning to both play and, make their own instruments. J4ank C. Johp tone Cpýé lef t) and Mfiss Daisy Wright, exchange teachers. -for the past year at Nezc Trier High .rchool, zvill spenld the smmer touring the western United States. Miss W right, who teaches in: a girls> high schooli üiiiEnlcsnd, wéill sail for home September .3. Ar. Johnistone z«dll retturn to Ayr, Scotland, wvhere he leaches at the Acadetn.yAyr, bottire inddle of Alugl,çt. '(Echoes Photo.) Dem onstration Wil Mary Crane League Show ýHow Eye Jus Will Bene fit Fromý Cause Big Accidents Horse Show in Fali _________________________ One of the most important among the Manyparets nd cildrn hve hen sounds iike a suicide pact, but roads, wII iULII th mori 1II r Mscaly parntrstnd ciln the suier tsmrlna eosrtint hwnoon sessions scheduled in huntt especialy inprogram of the school ho s eIn al etoblsan makesbig er, three-gaited, five-gaited, h recreational rga oftesho o ml Ytrulscn akbi ship and other classes. which includes swinining and ýbeac,. accidents. play under the supervision of Georg,ýe The denionstration is planned a a Benefit for League Wison, physical education, director of part of the National Institute for Truharneet ew he college, Miss Baker said. Traffie Safetv Training, to be held ni C. Bowers, chairman of the ho Ann Arbor. M.\ich., August 8ý0 committee, and Mrs ' M. Vi 1 rlt; TPf. n1nn n +' dlre de-Gathany, president of the Mai ter, jump- horseman- rvort beau ým&ËVt Z exaiII4L8isior ie po"':ins i ucugather -around Ilwith pencil .and papeý' ing oi a uay scnooi., nursery and camp .tL O beow. to chart their movements. for underprivileged children of uil tbaFor these examfinations, applications Thus the safèty leaders hope to }Joise. à comMW must be on file with the Civil Service show the effect of even minor defects The show will be the first under 0 5 PM. <ne, commission, Washington, D. C., not in vision on reading warning signs direct sponsorship of the Town and exriyes resort later than August 15. and other driving activities. Country Equestrian association, which 19. Senior attorney, $4,600 a vear-, at-.ý Policemen, public officiais. school has long supt>orted other horse showvs r CafSOfDC tor-ney, $3.800 a year. Bureau of Motor teachers, engineers andi safety men throtugh providing trophies for juvenile :00 pm. May- Carriers, Interstate Commerce commis- from ail over the country will be riders, and has also taken the lead in Sion. , studerits at the Iiistitute's two-week stimulating interest ini horses, horseman- ES SPECIAL Safety inspector, $2,600 a vear Bu- safety college. ship, more miles of bridle paths, and ca seric -.., . n~d+ ~ ~ TmsSanr er, NIational better protection'for those who ride, for idsummer -Night ... . . .. Meni ûtlg -t of Day. and tosons, end Frank D. I L 1* W. Cia *th FIoo

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