plane wmil fly anto an '.air poVCet . nc crash to eartb, or that the mnotors might stop and the plane fal from the ai, or even'that'a sudden thuniderboîIt fromn the black.clouds mfight strikce the air- plane and send it crashing into flaires. What has science, to say about tîe'oe things-or--<loctors-or insurance coin- eut panies P Baes First of ail it is ýa fact thaàt people A little boy is af raid -to go to bed be- k q256 cause he thinks the dark corners of bis room hold lurking hobgoblins, ghosts or ~ even the devil himiself. Iear is breéded by ignorance-ignorancè of sou-nd com- mon-sense facts. Despite the best efforts - o thse ngaged in aviation on the modern motors, such a. thing as mnotor failure is'a rarity. If one mnotor -;t-ýp,; the other is more than enough to keep' the plane flying indefinitely an:d, ander perfect control. But should: a plane's motors: fail entirely the pilot siniply gfides to the nearest intermediate land- ing field. These are only from 15 to M. miles, apart along scheduled air routes.' A nilot throttles: (turns off) bi i iotors when be lands so it is plainly >evidenit how foolish is the superstition that a plane falîs suddenly when motons fail. Airpane Not Grounded Lightning has neyer been known to strike anl airpiane in flighf. As.vour oic r>vsics ýteacher told,,you,. a lightning weeic. This world famous group of Ameni- can church wôrkers is responsible for placing copies of the Bible in, botel. rooms and publit in stitutions. MNernbers of the First Congrega- tional and Minmette I3aptist churches are co-operating in these union sum- mer' services. Dr. john G. Hindley of the Conigregatioflal church is in charge during july. Ne xt month the. services, will be held, in the Congrega- tional -chur ch with 'Dr. George D. Allison in charge. WomanCommh-utesby, Air and Sets a New. Record Receintly the-airlines made a nation- *wide survey to determine the champion maIear tra-r.rHe nroved to be paragraifl onc your thinkingi Can't Get Dix tbrougb the this is ju4; account of noor )ossibility even imore modern methods of and reportit.i- ln in weather -Jf the ýetv of the insuritue !It is stick to tacts wbhen you thil< ot lvyîng. nd the Q«in n'nwr a f ree- usin n owr ht bas Your questions-Our answerS. skim- Q-Can any pilot carry passenzers r waters A-No! Only pilots holding U. S. Departmient of Cýommerce certificateq of viother competency in the tbree classes, Pri- ýdent iii vate, limited commercial. or transmort, ý1406 Sherman Av. UNI.ZUZ2M Iweeks mIVMBTONRisch, t, I Lines reports an unassumirig wuiiani who is hailed not only as champion female air traveler, but the air pas- senger who this year will probably. match or exceed Kostelanetz's record. Thiis champion woman air traveler is Miss joan Wing (what s in a naine ?), who bas standing reservations on United Air Lines fifty-two weeks of the year for a flight each Tuesday after- In addition, M,\iss Wîing squeezes iin an extra trip occasionally,, and on a day off has flown as far west as Den- Ver to keep a business appointmient. Miss Wing, whose business card reads, "Speed with Politeiiess," de- vised 'the 'XYing System»" of courtesy., WVhen, she was a telephone operator in ap-state New York she learned that n)oür telenhon conversatin ften can U41ra 4, iter speIIaingio 1 Ji j iJ'III, nud ith Mrs. and 'Mrs. N. J.1 Jack F. Mc] rs. Rodenkirk's parents. l since Jluly 4. er of Mr. and Mrs. rîald, bas been away with i s*prtof Kinp. Daily fe.ebhootins for nonLý màembers. Benlltaùd lo«SbSermer à Northbrook Ph... W.thbr.. It is the..