Alpha Ph'i is closely related to its own history. After Miss Willard attended "The Femaàle College in. Ev- anston," she went. to the'University. of Syracusewhere she was initiatýed. Alpha Phi in 1871. in 1881 Miss Willard assisted with the founding of Beta ec>hapter at Northwesterni university, and ini 1888 she became nationalU president -of Alpha Phi. On. the committee1 for' the. portrait dedication are -Mrs. Stephen V. Balderston, Mrs. Budd- Clarke Cor- bus, Mrs. ]Raymoiid>C. Wieboldt. and IMrs. Ralph. M. Strader, al of Ev- anston.ý Now, at' the very peak of the season, you can get. choice pieces of summer furniture at 20% less than its original cost. Tbere are chairs and tables 'of. Malay cane, glass- toppd *painted iron tables, and a;,uxurjOUsulotre chaie logue for your porch. The, selection: is liraitd A pair of painted iron spiral trees forivy to climb upon, were $20 the pair, are n ow $10. B Jeach, and lawn umnbrellas,. in gay colors, several styles,, as low as $1.50 eacb. Corne early for these real values. "END 0'F J ULY Mrs. Lawrence Clark Buckmas-, ter is the' former Helen Eliz~abeth Regan, whose marri age to the' son of Edwin S. Buckmaster of 117 Broadway avenue, Wilmiette,' took A ~ CLEARANCE Engagement Announced at Cocktail Party The engagement of Miss Lois Truesdale of Winnetka to Charles Jamieson Gaspar of -Chicago was an- *Coats-Suifs *Affernoon and *Evening Gowns *Slacks *Sweaters-' *Play Suits *BathMng Sufs 976 Lincden Avenu e Hubbard Woods A meeting of precedes the >d at 1 i. one- I THE. BLUE PARROT 1551 SHERMAN AVENUE EVANSTON