out for.the picnic supper North Shore Friends of Chicago Jun- ior. school are giving at the bë.autiful summer home of Mrs. Porter Fox, Foxwoctvod Farm, St. Charles,. Saturday, July 23, at 5 o'clock. Young people are also. urged to corne. The-verses are partially quoted:, "North Shore Friesids weill mcet again At Foxumood* Farms 0let is thue Ail help t0 pots the good Word Ott And mnake 1/us a grand MPheoneoFt U#Aptd brin g a supper box for ftrto And have 3your narne euclosed, so yort K/il! self your box for a dollar or morc To provide thse sehool as eeer bel are. '"Crnwt, adiiàetoand ushii4ie.board Are ont the farm, soa oit woii't be bored. PlAse dbriotaret fyou ds ire PlAd no twtaif 'ou bes irè "Voung people are also askcd ta cone To brioig their lunch and join the lu»e." T~he picnic bour is 5 o'clock to pro- vide time for entertainiment and to sec the interesting thinigs of the farmi. Transportation wiIl be arranged if Ai major evenr t o -iiereLt o. women, golf ers is the District championship- ,of 'the. Women's Western Golf association which will take place at Sunset Ridge Country 'club .from, Monday, July 25, through Saturday,. July 30. Leading players f rom -.the Chicago area wvil be included among the ,contestants wvho are expected.to number about one, iundred. Tuesda y:f this week was Guest day at Sunset Ridge, with the win- ners.among visitin-1g players -awarded scores as follows: Low gross-M,%rs.' G. W. Traver of Exmoor, first: Mrs,. Ridipig over coun of MIiss NancY FOX Foxes ai. Kenilworth, maupit at an c>trance Saturday, July 23, at Chicasgo Junior schoc zill bc given as a sc Each couple is ta brii coiacosed. wJsici, willl Jaitcs and roads is anec-of, thec favorite pastimtes at thec suppipmer home of lier jarnli!y, the Porter ood Farm at St. Charles. 51,e 1£ pictured on lher 7coun try place z/uic/i till bc hospitably opened ock to members of the North Shoare Fricnds of their guests arriving for a picpiic supper z/uic/t ip bene efit. Young peo ple are invited to attend. ppcr box attractivelv f'acked for tupo, w'ith nine Horscback ridipig will bc incliuded in thte out- first; Mrs. G. F. Lietzow, second; Mrs~. C. M. Hofman of Evanston, third. Putting for guests, M-\rs. K. C. Brenza of Edgewater.-, Members winning prizes were: Mrs.. J. A. Williamson, putting; for first,. third, and flfth low net respec- tively, 'Mrs. J. W. Champion, Mrs. 'W. H. ace,:nd Mrs. Fred Bow- s, such as broken homes, eprived of wholesome and ifluence. The North Shore ývide for two boys at the l'o Stucfy Art in Paris Meet at Sunset Ridge Miss 'Margaret M-\cKee \Valker, Sunset Ridge Country club in Wins- daugterof rs.FracisI. alkr netka ývil be the scetie. of the summer daugterof '\Ir. Fanci I.N\'ake meting of the North Shore Alumna'e 1315 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette, will club of Pi Beta Phi on Friday. July 22. leave for New York about -Septernber Luncheon will be followed by bridge 10, before sailing for Paris 'where she ini the aiternoon. No' business meeting will reside during the coming, year. will be field. Walk'e7nIr. wo -as ecetI Mrs. 0. Robert Whitaker of Evans- av. some f Miss Gertrude ed last week. WILMET TE'LIFE To Sing cil'Party - a wag at th by M oée. Photo