Glis Mmov. 0w.. Shbp club T7his picture uas taken duri ng 'the last term in the Wilmette schools and sowes One ýofthe extra -curricular activities of the girl pupils. Recause they haïpe been exIcuded'frornt he regi4lar classes in manual training, they de- cided to have their ownà "shoP club" af ter school hours. At the left side of thc aisie are Mary Neet, Patsy Symons, and Eleanor Carlson. At right of aisleient re groundý are Florice Joncs, Lavergnie Richards, and Dolores Chester. r'he picture was taken by memibers of the Howard school photog- raphy club. Pu'blish Guide Book for Mortgage LQan, lenders cording dent of chapter.. ciety's tI Get MilThree SAPTYCOMFORT* PLMASURE Enfire New'FI..t of 1938 Plymouh- Each Equipp'ed With New PhiIco Radio Ili JEsrly ie Society's Nortliern1 'he 71-page manual is tl rd research bulletin sit activities three, years ag 1"Construction 'Loan ....a .......... ilreds emergency in the eep a first aid :kit presîclent of ti Alston, New sloetries Tojital Soiiia the Chic arnova, )City ( f. ýralto with. pesa,': deodorant powder.