FULL QUART ý35c 9flaCâ A4, TT CONFECTIONURY JusitWest of Bank on the Mainiliner last Sunday. in- cluding- an elderly gentleman wbo ivalked four miles to the airport ini or der to b e on the S3 o'clock flight. Wlien off eredý. an automobile ride home, he explained that he always takes a long vaIk Sundav afternoons and combined bhis regular hike with a 100-mile air cruise. In comnmand ýof the, 'Mainlinier nexý Sunday will be, Captain "Bud" Ràu-, som anid.First Officer Howard Hel- f ert. Mrs. Wayn.e K. ýWijlson, 3211 Lake avenue, has her sister, Mrs. W. L. Carrington, visiting her for the sum- mer f rom. San Antonio, Texas, Their Mrs. Ralphi E. Col, ýreet, alici ber daught uiday in i\ilwauk( ,rrner's parents, ýW. Hess, formerl fr. Colville returned business trip to the 430 Nintl, nue, spent sitiiig the and Mrs. .1 Carinatd nif (sternar mattresses was deiivered ta Brauck's YIuber shoip. 1-506 Sherman av~enune, Evansfon1, laSt Week, for the organization's sec- ond mattrcss sale of 1938. Tihe sale opeiicd this week. VISIT DAUGHTER AND FAMILY ener was away for eight .weeks, and \Ir. and Mrs. Gomly Michener, . Mihnroie brtw wek 1-530 Central avenue, returned Sun- ago to spend his vacationl with bler, day evening from a trip to southern ý11--*--- -A li.,.rHOE F RflM TRIP