tire for vou. Zv.ry lamouis Goo feature «t cm ordinary cost. Se. it first. Staff Photo Arthur, J. MatMaroId Evanston Defeats Wilmette A. C. Nini The Wilmette A. C. basebail tea was defeated by the Evanston tearn la Sunday by the score of 11. to 8. Box -score follows: 'Wllmtte (S) Evaustoti (11) AbRH AbRý Kasper,3b 2 0 O McMahon,ef 5 2 (CnmpoaA 5 1 1 Robinson,3b 5 1 H 3 2 separate countrieýs, besides traveling 64.000 miles by steamship. H-e lias flot hitch-hiked. PoliS Like Him This No. 1 hiker travels none too lightly.. He carnies a 65-pound. pac-k and his,.garb.'is distjnguished by.an, over-seas cap, woolen 'jacket, plus- fours, and heavy brown walking ox- fords. On the pack nlay be seeni inniurner- able newspaper -clippings, collected ini his travels and pictures of Ili mself taken at various points. On. his chiest and pack.straps arc struig more than a score of police and officiai, wel- corne badges collecÉted'at cities lie lias visited. Mac Marold is an autograph en- thusiast, and lias collected sortie 18,000 ,,Ql u-s ninjzte m, tlat if Pçesî-, dent Roosevelt. SGood W.îght Reducer MacMarold weigbed 290 pounids at the out set of. his strange carcer, and niow tips the scales at 181. He is of stocky build, is sandy.-haired.. ted- faced and lias bIne eyes, indeed, hie'S a typical Scotchinian. A magnetic personality punctuated with an in- fectious smile. no doubt bias lielped hini over many a rougli spot. 39 883881112 VISITS IN EAST Miss jborM-cCle 1land, daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McClelland, 726 Elmwood avenue, left last week for New Haven,. Conn., where she willi HOUSE GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Buckland~, 600 Linden avenue, Wilmette, liad as bouse guests for the past week Mr. Buckland's sisters, Miss Ellen J. Buckland of Appleton, Xis., and Mrs. Millirnan Sweet of Wausan, y. I $855 15 Traction sal.ty. grip that will pull you through th. tough going - al at a price wbich lits your I sud 1- -.. :arr 1 s,2b « 1 L. --