RUG Velues op f$.95. le 9xl2 Axuinsters, SALE!O Priced up f. $59.95 9xl12- WooI 9.88 Wiltons 4x6 Orientai Lovely Oriental rugi, designed for durability as vweflas beauty. at $1~9 9.95 for thiis salie 9» Closely woven for durability and attractively patternied for b ea u ty and sensationally .priced for this event. These Wlool Wiltons are truly amaz- ing values-sec for yourself 1 9-ft. and 12 ft. 9xl 2 Rug Pud Mothproof, fhey will double the life of Your rug. RegularIy $295. Special, atS1, Wl, I