24 nce 30 loIches $195 aRvte ud-w.Jded for Stieugth, esut h&a*d fer comnEort.Chi.fre ivry reenor l4kc- ter - eat. Heywood Wakefield Large Ham pers Hiong. Bench $3.88 Uprighl' $4.49I Wiflh Pad end Cover *By the maakers et N14*Jld pre<Iuts. Ful 15184 sise. coimplote wthtoi pa184 and cover. Opens and cloues wlth oee motion. specillIy prlced for Mbis Regulor $4.50 Volue0 SILEX Coinbination cup site geniluw silex coffee maher of Pyrex heat proof glass. Coni- plete 'wl1tihi'#7C sugar and eream-, er jud a iOc tray. 100% pu»re m SPIRITS of TURPINTINE la yeur ow. etOer. Gallex ................... ...39 w I $2.79,