* World War veteran, journal- ist,-- musical composer, ýsoldier of fortune, sprswriter,, keen> commentator on World. affairs, Donald McGibeny brings this * colorful background to,,delight memersof the North Shore Congregation Israel and their guests. He will speak at the.an-. nual summer party, to be held. Tuesday, August 2, at 2:30 in the- temÏple, located at Vernon and Lincoln avenues, Glencoe. Sharing the platformn with, Mr. McGibeny will be Miss Margery, bc a benefit aff air :for the building fund of the new St. Francis Xavier church. There. will be pivot bridge, five hundred, bunco, sewing, with a' ' ze for, each, tabl. Refreshmnents wvill be served after the cards. *The women 'of the parish on Park avenue, Washington avenue, Walnut avenue, and Oak, circle Will bc the liostesses for thisý party which. is open, to aniy of the women of' the parish and their friends. Assistiing Mrs. Aruis are «Mrs. Ar- thur Hughes, Mrs. Phillip ýNewman', .Mrs. Harry Barker, Mrs.. Charles Calderini, Mrs. Williamn Murphy, Mrs. Harry McDermott, Mrs. C ham-ý ales,' Mrs. R. Inmani, Mrs. ý Henry Schmit. Mrs. C. Srhwali Mrs. Fred- The last fliglit in the annuaL tournamelit of the Chiicago Dis- trict: Womnen's Golf association, being played this week at Sun- setRidge Country club, Will be a 36 holeevent Saturdavý, l)la'Y-' ers teeing off at 9 o'cloick ini tie. mlorning and at 1 :45 int the' af- ternoon., Pairings for the championship, flights Wednesday were as fôllows. with the. clubs the players representf: Mrs. Lillian Zech, Tam, O'Shanter, and Mrs., C. H. Seethausen, Sunset Ridge; Mrs. Reia ' Nelson, Exnioor, and Miss Virginia Nilles, Park Ridge; Mrs. Laivrence Selz, North- ee in charge, under oses' competent guid- r to be corgratulated the services of two ability in their re- insures a rare treat nce. ears crowded with ex- 'es in far-away corners giving a story-bookc his, life. iiew- St. Franicis X~ zviII be held al theJ George Arpis, 805 Friday afternooit of 1:30 o'clock. of Mrs. avefife, wceek at id Marshlall, Mvrs. jon Los- .rs. E. K. Gleason, Mrs. E. J. . Mrs. H-. Schopeii, Mrs. John i aind Mrs. Howard HLickey. mette, for the' past two ber son, David. Mrs. Porter expects to for the next few week.s. uctouer Mi miake berf The guild, of Evanstor ati 'uJir.Acnir a nau -st Chicago appear ith Mrs. Arch Rici as eneral chairnxa aince.. ards weeks wîil reniain here Pians Garden Part y dina h, and Miss Mary-W ilder, Skokie; Miss Shirley Ann Johnson, Sunset Ridge, and Mrs. Vilas Norton, Gleri View; Miss Virginia Lindblad, Lincolnshire, anid Miss Eleanor Dud- ley, Ridge. Any women playing in the tourna- ment wishing to play in a two-ball Fran ces Scheidenhelm Is to Speak et Garden Club -Miss Frances Scheidenhelm, whose exquisite flower arrangements this year have been a delight to various groups in Wilmette, will use flower arrangements in her talk on"I- a in a usbical pi by singing ini a ti WILMETTE,-LIFE , noons et The con ance, is il upon seci people wh spective fi for theira 1 n-1A item* A, at Hamil lie has s citing ad c4 the atmosph,