dramatics. i.ompI'a p 0 1&s program. BeAUtifuni campus ou- Uicishot of Lake Michigan, épactous playing fields,, and garden--an, enviroument cou- ducive to wholesome growth of mind, and body, and spirit. Aise junior Scb"I For c"gi g advlress: ietrar ]Box IL. I xeimier Mail, KeesmU, Wl.. lie wîilconfer witt'me u iîipait a Swedisb, officiais on Plans for an ex- pansion oôf the ine's transatlanltiC.anid cruise busiàess 'in 19A9 While ilti Euàrope, Mr. Lundbeck will. inspeet the linie'sr 28,000-ton new flagship, thei motorlitier Stockholm, now under con- striuction at Monfalcone, Italy. The Stockholm is scheduled to enter the serviice in April, 1939, and will alter- nate with her sjsterships, the Kungs- bolmi, Gripsholni and Drottingholht on runs between New York and Gothen- burg and on spevial cruises. beautv you're searching for- nounced that the association is ofteringa w prospective collegé students f reç aptitude tests c9vering the main fields4 of .endevor. Mr. . Beebe expressed faith in this modem methodof eclucational guidance whereby an effort is made to determine the student>s strongest aptitudes before an educational programi is outlined. This is better, he 'said, than enrolling bl ind&, for courses. which will flot -ad-- varice the individual's specific natural abilities. "The motive actuating every serious college.student is a desire: to prepare himself oàr herseif for a suitable career, whether it be honme-makifig, teaching, advertisiflg, writing or business ad- .miîistrati9fl," said NIr. Beebe. "AVe have universjty-trained counsel- 1 -ors h o i terp et th e scores m ade on the aptitude tests and who outline çourses which will serve to develop each student's capabilities as revea1ç(k 1by scientific tests and through persona initerviews. In this way education can be made to follow constructive lines, resulting in the best possible develo.p- nment of native abilities." avaxuiv 'amn temfo ous reasons are iiiter'e nter o their' sons and da:uglters. Church sponsored schools are mimer- o 1us and cati be fo u n d centerei1 .around a church endowment o)r re l.igious 'crder .ot> vairio s denomifla ti ,3. everal mil- itary schools have churich affiliations. For the Most Part, church schools arc the Ieast experi- M&ariorie Leary mental of the pri- 'Bornie Phot() vate schoois. éThis is true for several reasolis: the niost important, that a background for college preparatiofi is Chicago Area LeaJS Our Chicago area contains niany fine Iundenominational preparatory schools: no finer ones can be found anywhere .else ini the country. Small boys and small girls (grade school age ) have their own schools. Several of these schools are ideally fitted to take the place- of the home of -hich these smller cbildren. for vari- rooms andi iwithout bath. Innerspring ma' out. Send for literature. èMý«.EVERETT M. V through- Michlga.fl 1 issued i tls wevik 4L r- ---;se'-up 'rueuyçnj c'i'r-a tary Academy making appointmfelits in selfgoerflment in which every cadet the Culver Siimmer schools. has -an integral part. The discipline [.ocwenherz lias been appoited tO rd has almost completely disappeared the grade of lieutenant, junior grade, and sonie of the finest resuits of newer ini tueaval Battalion, whîle Royal' procedures are obtained in the militAry lias been named a sergeant in tle schools. Cavalry Squadron. Nevins. holds thie rank of lance corporal ini the Cul)G a dT to ,N w s division~ of the Woodcraft school. Gra d T t- - -es N\ew-Yorl a trip to lýwas away aput - en 1aadysl