Me.ting WUilBe. Held in New "H.all of Peace" Ste at the Wilmetfe Wat.r Work s* Wilfnette's. American Légion. post, meeting in1 thor roomn to be set aside as' a "hall* of peace." next Monda'v eveniig at 8:15 o'clock, willselect the officers for the coming year. The rooni, located 'in the water Works at the foot of Lake avenue, wilI be partitioned off by the village, and will then be turned over toAthel merembers. of the,'Post and auxifiarv comiplete plans is on the prograinfoi- the 'Monday meeting. In addition to 'the post offlcerý;, delegate and alternate to the state convention, to be held at Rockford 01n August 20, 21, and 22, are to b- selected. Nonimiting Committee. George Scherzer, George Leal. andI Victor Hill were the members of the nominating con-mittee. years, U'1il tempeDV inette t'ûriy i Septeniber b accept a. call ta thle Mat heuson Street -Me fhodist ehiirch ini Providence. R, I. Mfr. Thornbng's newt charge . solle of thelargest anini ost influential Chl,îgches in New IEn gland. oincial of lBraun Bros. Oil company which serves Chicago and -the North Shore area, was elected president, of the Shane Cunryclub last weck. Mr.: Doepel bas been prominent in the affairs of the club for several years., 1 Other officers elected to servé with President Doepel are -Franký Marshall, vice-president, (re-elected)';, Camilile Jongleux.. vice-presidentý; Carl A. Tlruch. treasurer; Alhertý J. Rolle. secretary. The, officers will serve for one year b eLeinning August 1. Elected to, serve on the board of governors of the club for 'a three-year term were the*following: John H. Mitchell, Albert R. Fleiscb- manu, Irvin A. Blietz, Fred J. Pioger, Louis S. Anderson, and Orrin WV. Clifton, STEAL GOLF BALLS The Wilmette police department re- ceived a report late Tuesday night that the Mclntyre Golf Practice court on Lake avenue between Hibbard road and Skokie boulevard, bad again been the victim of sneak thieves. This tume 1,000 golf balîs and haîf a dozen clubs made up the loot. Fifth ofS.ries of Ouf door Sym-'l Phony Programs fo Se Given on The, fifth In the series of nine- open air' fiéeSymphony concerts be- ing given in Wilmette amnphitheare on the lake front by the Ilin ois Symphony orchestra will be, given at 8,:30 o'clock Wednesday evening, August 3. The concerts have steadily .grown. in poptilaritv, and attendance lias. in- creased with e ach orooeram. Weathltr rectUrs, Johnn odUUU1 and josephî Hinshaw; building fund, H. L. Flen- tvje. Jr., and Victor Hill; delegate to Cook county council, George Scher- zer; alternate, joseph Heinzem - andi delegate to seventh district, Howard Oushman; alternate, Frederick Kidd. The new officers will be installed in, September. May' justice Scherzer 110W beill Zeus Whe Be Entered on cof the Peace rstates tiiat . the :îg served on New ýo are delinquent or Dockt Frm Daghte in 910Stack, ai one a's solof ut. Dockt Frm Daghte in 910 elî known to North Shiore rc George F. Classified advertisements, with their being a graduate of North, -sumonesbarter. and exchange, lost and found, university, where he was p triemmons ersonl n y dohriesamotof theiglee club. He made hi Trie cii- ersnal an niria oter tem alostlast faîl in the leading baritc -i their 1935 invariably hint at a story, not infre- in "Il Trovatore"y with tbe1 efinal no- quently charged with human interest. sin Grand Opera company. where the W iea xml npitcle olwn stecmlt in bis court Wectaneape iponcuec Foownisteomle ,ifedint, f rom this week's classified columns: for next Wednesday's concert services. o cli ithe roaci to recovery.