yeai - 85y - Cat FORt Soas h e ~Cu.berland Valley,,.0 11111e wwth 01 Diie FRYOUNG WOMEN. Botb 'accredited." Tranafei without exarainattoni te .3rdý year, ail Northwetern, or bther Univerities. "College Boards" hirld nt achool. Muni'Al. rt, oie Ec., M ICostume Deign, lut. Dec., Secretarial, Draunatacs, Phys. Ed. Fireproof. Comeetlùg haths. Horseback riding, tennis, swirnming pool, canoeing. golf. Attrasctive social Illfe. Part fyatOenCt .2seilCiaocr.NrASoeAug. si. enl 7 Catalog and Vlews-F. S. 'Maglil, LL.I, Box E, Clambeabrg, Pa. ~jft-r~ains for (Jbaraeter! fth grade LPthough hlgh school. Individual attention- S~al Classes. EverY boy taught how to study. P FuIiy Aecredited to ail Colleges. Modlfied Military. 74th ar. Modern buildings. NelW gymnasiurn and swlmming pool. niles. south of Chicago. Vloit at any timnevila 1U. S. Route 45. alogi Col. J. W. Bituger, Conmandant Box W, Oean*gaIn. Par Rooseveits Follow the Honcymoon Trait lowing the train of ymoon couples who Montreal this year tiuni aam~~s A new three-day attendance res-ord their honeymoi wa.s set this year during the Fourth of th~e scenic St, July holiday when 53,215 visitors rep- through the A resenting 25 states and several Cana- present honeyi dian provinces were counted. The pre- velt's flrst vis vious record, 52,500 was set by the that island h Memôrial weekend crowds of 1937. The visited by Mrý average Sunday attendance this vear, vious occasioa according to figures compiled by cus- Ïhat he had ta tainq -A 1SO- 1 hundreds of have saiIed and ini past ida, althoughli )rt. bas.beeni t. r. on nrp-