.........52:33:57 oit . 51:05:50 52 :39 :55 47:30 :57 J ,*oettlierii Cross, Robert Benediet .1:38 :47 48 :33 :56 SE.-. hria . 5:a:g4a:4 3 T.o..ahawk, ý. .1:5:0 9-3 3 Toa efennw1:9:3 7:5 4 John B. Ford ....52 :25:46 48:02 :31 'loriaflt, Anthoy H@rnÈqnn .511:0à :33 48 :01 :35ý Tai' Baby, Fred Strattoji .....53 :35::16% 52 :46 :31 Revenige, wkilliser'-f3riffili -54A:1:04 4 :07 :35 1-41 ,Lary and. Joe Gloldherg ... 5 1(1:35 54 :10:3.5 Fred Wacker '-4 :14 :10. 49:29-:52 Bagheeran.t. 3:1:8 0 johilÏ, T. t. 3-11:3850:50-:09 * l>iat, Nattha.nlel ýRtilbiikaim - . - . 53 :54 :10 -48 :41 :50 Princess Kaliglren- fJedzr.vowski 54 -A S,:17 49:00 :4f, .\d\-entuire, 1Logan T. MMnn.Did Kidl skter, B. J. Myre, Did ilot fiîisli. Sheridan Shore Iast Saturday the final race was lield iii the A-series. mr- Mle star CIas-FIiftllRave o oe- ie limit-Owiter Tirne Dn411li-E, .Raymoncl 1 :57 :074 SagtaC aii W%. Bradbury.. I1:59 :53 Frai-a-D. 1Bergmian........2:02:10 Othier boats ;n finish ing order: -I.ittle Auidrey,." "Pegasus," "Aste- risk,," "N\alru.s," -Neo," "Carol" "Skçip-it," -G 1 i d e r." ýswinig It" "Sniort." "Stargazer," -Fut,", and "Sagitta," -Wlu, Little Atrnrey. -Bonnie Bl," "Neo," "Pegasuis,", "ýFlit.' "Stargazer.-" *Otiiji." "Glider."I "Ail. Twinkle Ijitto." 'Fram," andl ."Snocrt." It is to 1e notcd thiat "Fraim" lost part of its steeringp apparatuis and stili %vas able to finishi the race. Standings Botit-î~nerPoints Little uryT E. Mcmi......53 Pcgaus-Gthan-Mae..........50 ('nrol-Elliott-Cioss................46 planning a two weeks' cruise folIow- ing the Nlackinac race; their des- tinlation Ibas te'îtatively been set as the Georgia bay regioni. N.: U.»Football1 Season' Ticket Sales Launcmhed. Northwë sterîî university openied its 1938 football ticket sale this week with the, nmailing >of 35,000 application blanks' to alumini and former ticket purchasers. Týhe nîailinig is the largest.eve sent out by the ticket office, according to Ted Payse.ur, ticket m anager. k'urple also piayed six home ganies.A seasoni ticket for the home series is offered. for $13, a saviing of $320 over the ýiîîgle game price. Openi With Kansas State The opeing game with Kisas State1, October 1, will mark the first appear- anice of -the Katnsanls oni the Wildcats schedule, The, team wonl the Big Six only once before. i nat was in 91 Iwhen the \NVildcats4 led by PaddJy Dris- coll, rolled up a 40 to 6 victçpry. Five BigTen Games Northwestern w~ill play five Big Teîî ;teanis, three of them at home. The home contests will be with Ohio State, October 15; Minnesota, October 29, and Wisconsin, Novenîber 5. The two away .fron home games will be with incomparble teaV IurenUI t n lUIbÇ US.LU7WU iîm SPeclal Program for: OLDER GIRLS, JUNIOR GIRLS *Blanmkets, beddinge, i in e n s, towels at no extra coat., *'Hot and, Cold Showers. * Daily Riding Lestions,. * Skilled Women Supervisors and counsellors. * Archery-Rifle Practice- Danc.* ing. *Plenty ýof 'good food served un- der expert-dietetic di*reètions. *Clean, airy, weatherproof cabine. *Health and Sanitation under direction of Registered Nurse. YOUNGER GIRLS 4IL the Privileges o! a Private- Camp at Moderate YJeeldy Rates. 3 weeks exdumslvely for gitl August 'l4 40 Sept. 4 Camp Open for lespeetleu On Sonays, Trale Route 4Sf.hiIIbura tb.. West 2 miles te coup CoI-Writ-P hone Op.rofed by Irving Park YMCA 4251 Irving Park BIvd. Phne PENsacoea 1070 31 North Shore Boysa are Now Enioedng Hasingscamprn Paid on Savings Federally lnsured for Safety Up to $5,000, Boat Owuer the United Stages Govaruasest Tolepàbne e .ff.1623 levans art planning to n, ,aukee iii a month or so. 47 :27 :59 ýBoat'