Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Jul 1938, p. 54

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WANT!D MORTGAGES ALLIANCE LINE INSUMANCE CO.. peorii4 IIUDnois No charge for commission, appralsal. photograph, credit report, survey, or cloeing Ioani. $3,000.00 to $50,000.00; 10- year ternis; 4%~% to 5% lnterest; 50%- of valuation. :Borrower furnishes. title guaranty pollcy (or Torrens certiflcate) and records niortgage. No other charge. fr1 1~17 wr*4IBr~ GEORGE T. CO0O0N LE Y LOAN AGENT 1REAL Jus ho throu'al th cmlmitt,ýe angles. An illustration is the somnetimes CNotShore ard( l juggled the hand .icaips so t!.at" element frequent complaint of the builder that woftee alod^wti h ýof luck dî (j uted, sicili. rnay ,be sr tebroker's compensation is ot of waukee ila d P hk h Ct mt mnised f rom the. prize awards. Bill johj- balance %vith bis owfl. .I woider îîo\V o Hglnd ar. son- now "Ace" Johnson to bis assici-. matir builders realize NIhat. kind of The homes wcre desig iied hbr Fred ates at Baird and WVarner, picked 'up a.-market tbey %vould have if it, were not Buck who lias, coistructed numferous neat 81, includiing a bote in aile, ~t for orgalliz ed real estate men amid' honies ilii Ivansiofl and. the nnIlrth won a camnera; white "Henniy". Hulit- %omien. Real estate fins are the 1'ilf e"4 sore ini .pst years. Typifying tle, native marn of Siart. and :Golee wvas the. eivyof thé busiùess,, the link between a bUildl- Amnericani styles iii Cape C,&d Modern of the crowd wvitb, a deluxe golf. bat!. er and bis mnarket. Ir oteringhm amos n ooil lebue Tbe writr also. witb a colossal score- ownership and educaàtiing-the public to exbîbîited wvil1 show characteris'ics that was awarded a pair of field glasses,> the values, the reai estate interests ermyb osdrdsial.frbre object. of course.: being to belp dis- practically the entire over-lbead. It is ini the new, deVelopmnit. *coveýr the bail ini the rougi. The coin- ofteil too easy to assumne that a ma~rket Accordi,îg to Gencral Maniligr O.s'câr mtesnovel solution to the pl-it. exists- withouit looking- bebind the D.- Gralnstrand, the mlodel hiomies ýw illI. probleni. however. seeffied to be wýelI scenies. to deiermine wbat makes it. range..1iii cost f romn $7,500 ta. $15,00(0 accepted. (At least-bythe %vinners.), function.* and thecir purchase cai he arranged-Un-ý * * *Somnetinies wonder ifý the tine isit der the ternis of Fedcral Ho(using, ad- * Srneofthe sow ovng.wel-fd.ripe for a iittle counter-propaganda: niiinistration financing. reator ca bcqute gil whli heDo vou know that one of the favorite F our homes are already coiastructed oreastons cands.be uies agire th go-..triiks" .of somte promotional develop- 1w private owners on the ',states as occasieo dntans totlie, r.entflo c rs in outlying sections west anid south Ia- resuit of the. conmpetely desirable ing swiftness and dexterity shown inî -NNhatever you do. stay away f rom bighl ground, svi ft tranisp)ortationto e *removing -For Sale" signs from trees the North Shore unless you want vour Chicago, protectâ,e tuildiigL restric- clîIcbildren to beconie first class, snohs.Itiswrealcnied foele beor, ewppe cmram l * Besides. prices there are* idiéulOlis1ý eelpen«va land "shoot" scenles of popular. subdivisinslg elonntw paed * uderfiv fet o waer.Youve ot e Il~." So if you, have been \vofdérlig The Higbmnoor Estate management, wbyv soîne ilice. families have been har(l likewise, wvill offer a. coniplete service ito attract to tbe Nortb Shore, this to prospective boule builders with arduli-. may be one of the explanations. tectural aid, financing, and cnsîtruction, ~NS r A L T PES.~ndnowto esue our "\whos w G ranstrand announced. Two> hundred &NS F.AL TYP S Ad no to esti W.10 parcels of grounld are -ivaikable ini the wýTr"Vý"jrý 1 in C4 1,7Q ea Estate." For the most distin-. igon :1 ;w, icidedin. the develcoinciit. Preferred Loans - -no commission tor" is simply a matter of jaunting iWest on Willow road, Winnetka. and tapping1 Lewis T. Dodds on the shoul- ider-providing you can reacb. it. Lew. Iwho is an acreage specialist and cari see for miles in ail directions, is %vell over 6.4. The bardest bitter*and long- est driver i olf in our opinion ;s E., L. H. Ullrieh Will Build Kenilworth Residerîce A t wo story framne and brick veneer six-room bouse and attacbed garage will be built by Leslie Il. Ull- rich at 610 Wayland avenue. Kenul- vvorth. Permit for the work wvas issued. last Friday by the village. L.Koster is the architect. It is einiL. dthat the' structure will THE TRADI Wilmette around the patio at roi wil shortly start another bath bouse in Wilmette. mewune Wilmette 17- -root'n,

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