NOLS J. G.hf1077 41/% INTREST FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS OnRosideaflal Property of Ape proved Construction. Design end Location structon wiIl begin next spring, and the building wýill be occupied for the first timé in the fali ofA 940. It will be, financed by ýthe University.on, a self-, liquidating basis. .Accomnuodate ne >Studont' With facilities for 900 students, both men and women, the dormitory .will stand'at the niorthwest.cornier of 'Lake Shore drive and Huron street. In style it will be mnodified Gothic, built of.In-ý diana liniestone ini conformity with the other buildings on 'the campus. Constructed in- the shape of a 13, with the light court. facing north, the base of the letter on Huron street. and oDne« wing extending half a block along Lake Shore drive, the new dormitory hall, whjch wiII be useci as a stuun center and for classrooms next year, brings the value of construction plannçed or, under.way at Nortbwestern untver-- sity to a total of $1,870j090. Aim .of82 Buildings Including the Chicago dormitory, theé number of buildings operated as part of the university's educational. plan: mill total 82. 0f this number 54ý have been, buit in the last 25 Lears. The new dormitory will be the eighth structure on-the 14-acré skyscraper cam- pus in Chicago, where the professional schools -and evening divisions irf the, university 'are located. Trhe buildings on this campus, which wa s dedIicated iii 1926, were erected largely throtihthç benefactions of public-spirited Chica- those awarcleain iMaiy, e4zu . tn gain-was not in line with the average. decrieasé of~ Il per cent found. by the Dodge newms staff in the. 37*,eastern. states. In. the six, months' period, local pri- vate . ctitie ounted for contracts tojtaling $ 19,395p»0. The june awards $4,753.000, were 38 per cent ýhigher than. those recorded in May, $M,43,000. lnthe eastern states there wmas an ýaver- ageinraeo3 per cent over May in the private Junie awards. ýPublic building.activities in Chicago.. during the first six. montbs, amounted to $11.820,000. june work f ollowed the trend' in the 37 eastern states with ,a decrease to '$1,704,000, f rom the May ààtru<tion War Scontain 2,156,000. the( ich were prepared. calo architectural office depa undation andi corn- Lev3 truction. No con-> of L; m-ed as yet. 000 will be available bert, Recreational Rooif G*Mren Each residential floot 'will have sin- ýe and double rooxus to accommodate ) students. a social roorm. two shower )oms, and twvo lavatories. WVindows, ,e to be steel framed, and tule floors ill be installed throughout. The ,;I:.... avea flat roof to h& .I1 ind Dental schools and the evening rtnient of. the university collége. Mayer hall, home of the school w, was m4de possible by the $5001- gift of .Mrs. Levy Mayer. The El- H. 'Gary Law library, the gift of e Gary, an alumuîus-of the school, s an architectural unit wjth LEévy her husband. cn and rooms used 'ne In, ns an social atnerin&U the 0111 2 Hospit.]. on Campus the sari Two . affiliated hospitals, with staffs dent of rawn from the faculty of the Meçlical savings, hool, are also located on the campus. in 1.111 - ~A Fi * . rst F, the haît -year period, reacnea ,t)UU'V 0f that amounit, june awvards were val- ued a $2,665,000, a 73 per cent rise over those of May, $1,540,000. A 3 per cent average rise wvas established in the eastern states. Non-residential building contracts reached the half-year point with a valu- ation of $11,536,000. June awards werc $2,223.000. which wvas far ahead of May, $1,.982,000.. ýLoan Bank of Chicago is 3institution, larger than a ier eleven district banks crem me time, A. R. Gardner, ,the Chicago bank, which , building and loan associ nois and Wisconsin, inc Federal f Wilnette, savs 1 a '$0,- .ny o ted ai presi- serves îat ions, L~I 1 nere ifor, ten aays, ona The 1571 504 1 1N