Agent on Peises- 1073 GAG] ST. EvàxiittO-522 Davis St. Hoiiycourt 1855 Winn. 544 (Ire. .1855 Modern 4 rm. apt. 'LIV.rmi. with roll- out bed. Bedrmm., tule bath and shoWer, kitchenette and 'brkfst. nook. Imimed. poss. Close to transp. Reas. Wîl. 1724. 128LTN12-11p ONle -FURNISIiED ANI) ONE, UN-, fumished 2% room apartment. On.,the lkdaily niald service, reasonable rent..Refs. requlred, Wilmiette, 432 ev'e- ningp. 128LTN2\12-1tp 584 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 133LTN12 FOR RE-Ni . ~ WINNEI %Tear the lake and, schools in EaSt N n etka there isa.a 4 bedroom, 21 Colonial homne. Beautiful grounds; *a month. This and many other, rer and sale properties niay be seen In Whitaker "PHOTO-TOUR" of hoi R. B. \VHITAKEIR C 140 Green Bay %-Road, Winnet<a Winnetka '1250 Rogers Park 133LTN12 MODERN 7 R'MS., 4 BDRMS. .baths, H. W. ol. 1 c. g. Near sci and tranmp. Avail. any trne. $110. 7 R'MS., A BDRMS., 1% BATHS, Il H. oil. Furn or unfurn.,'$100. 526, Green, Bay 'Rd, Winnetka 13L2TN412 )..1 tg' A4 rairasuy-rauje . - $25,000 to $18,000, or offer. LIVE ON! rH E LAKE, IN WINNETKA, beach rights-owlhershtp, a lo,%ely, large' screened terr. overlooking lake, miodern English brick-tile roof,. 5 bdrms., 3% b.,library, paneled 'dining rm,, ful studio.liv., rin., large rce.r. 2-car att. gar. ()ffered at $35,.000. Mrs. Miead. THEBILVLS REALTY, 111.. 510 Davis St. Gre. 1166j WiL. 3740 147LTN1'2-Ite SPTECIAL OFFERING SEE THIS BEAUTIFUL NEW brick homne in East Wllmette near the lake. The acme of perfection in arrangement and the essence of .good taste.ltn.decorations. 5 bed- ooms, 5b 10 lbrary, breakfast room, ecreation oom, air ,cQandi- 14 îJLJS12- it. 44E SSE X KE NI I4WORTH, *DRI VING PAST THIS COM- fortable residence wilii mpres you with its unexcelied location, but to really appreciate the charmn of- its reniodeled interior one, mnust see it. It -la spaclous and *yet eompact, delightfully ar- ranged and thoroughly The weii landscaped lot is 100X. 175. We *111 submilt any..eason- able offer. Shown onfly by appoint- mrent through SMART & GOLEEhInc. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 1564 Sherman Ave. Wilmnette, 2486 147LTN12-lte A PERFECT HOMIE VÇhen you IeZt. with action. Kenilworth OWNER OF' HANDSOMIE GEOR- glan brick Colonial eszid. with 4 bedrms., 3% 1atbs and oi' heat will sacrifice for $18,500 or trade for smaller property. The best value in .Kenilworth Garden-. An attract. white clapboard 6 rm. Colonial* is hard to find under $10,000, but we have one in Wil- Shown by al CUSACI LOCA If you are 1( Show you, onial on larg -l LOCATION tN S O SIHOeUJS AND ion, and general condi- his f- bdrmi., 4 bath borne ing buy. Move right iii. Lppointmeht. Price $30,000. iK REALTY CO. Winnetka 715 147LTN12-l te. MTON VALUE . lot. &Wt~~1,510 Dav is STON: urt,1 5 -e Vst usII U areona en iSUTll. o [y rentiflg it. ILLS REALTY, Inc. Street Gre. 1166, WiI. 3740 136LTN12-Itc tvis St,. THIS FALL WE ARE MOVING INTOt f 1855I town ind want to rent an unfurn. 1mCl- St. 1 home. Need A tamlly bedrins., 2 oir 3 Col- rms... ,wner SS t., .~?&y Fw~ffï~ ON QUIET STREET IN DE- sirable location in Wilmette. Ideal for the family wlth chil- dren as they can walk to school without danger. Four bedroomas, 2 baths, .2-car garage. Lot 50x 150. A reai buy at :only $9,500. lORE-TOWN1NS REAL' CORPORATION lrûg . Ax,...., r.vqltisto at rY n- and laite, 10OIX225> t. Ncthîng like 1Il price-$50 ft. FRANK A. RE ID 954 Linden Ave., Hubbard Woods Wlnnetka 1300-1689 14 7L12-lt i. SACRIFICE FOR Etal. ý-L --w- ý 133