to the Mathewson Street -Methodist church in Providence, Rbode Island. The.Mathewson Street church is 0- cated in t e heart of that city, a down- town church of unusual strength and. significance. It is perhaps the most out- standing church flot only of the Meth- odist denomnination but of al denomina- tions ini that city,.aiidoccupies a place of great importance, in New England itself. The Mathewvson Street church has approximately nineteen bundred mem- bers, ha s always been recognized as a great pulpit, and eniploys a large staff. There are twvo preaching services on Sunday and 'a midm-week service, ail of. which are' excçedifigly well attended. On the first Sunday of the sumumer preaching schedule this year there were about.a thousand ili attendance at the .Çlncmv rI!, 1 Theatrlcal Photo Park Soloit Edwèard Staçk, baritoite, will be the featured soloist Wednesday eve- ning, August 3, when the Illinois Syrnphonjy o rc hes t ra plays the 11f h j a sr.ç of f ree outdoor con- certs ij» ilmetfe a ephitheater. -lder Solorno», wiIl conduct the Arograrn. Are Exciting- Festival Event Bicycl races held, in connectioln with Wilrette Days, gave boys 'and girls of ai ages the opportunity to show their ability against comùpeti- tion. The pielinary races werie held Friday, July 15, and only the quali- fiers in, these races were allowed to cpmpete in the finals held last Wed- nesday afternoon.ý Bronze pins were given' to ail those who competed i the finals. Results are as follows (prizes wer.e awarded in the order in which racers .n the, fal catnpuign, to replenish the coff ers of the Wilmette. Coinmunityr Cbest association? Elmer D. Becker, president cif the as- sociation, asserts positively that there are, and reports that 200 have already' been recruit ed, and a good start made on the third hundred. Witb such~ splçuj. did respose ad this indicates -no, demfonstrates-the goal will iail proba,- bility flot only be reached but passed, SeCivic buty The resits so far, Mr. Becker added, show that. civie spirit is undergoing a tremiendous growth throughout the vil- lage, and that men ini ail kincis of busi- ness 'and ail sorts of professions are awaking to their duties as citizens. and Imaig Liialielige to Mvr. i nornburg griuUdLiI who will begiti bis new duties on Sun- sity he took day,,September Il. He hia-, ably serve,] secutive W the Wilinette church for four vears president of now, and it is with, a sense of loss. and has done ir regret that is parishioners, his staffý appearedm and bis nany other friends will sec Grant park himi luave. At the saine tinie, liowever, debut last.f the.y will sincerelv rejoice in the great role in "Il7 htJnor which lias heein bestowed tipisin Grand( bo(thl hin'andi.thew. Vinitp lii..,-1,: ;ilOn XWedr glee club. concrtr maU was ethen he and bas stras in ade bis baritone Wiscon-r to 14 Years)-2.8 Miles '" c s, F~rank EllaVacek, Jr., shouIder. ýrbek-t Lee and Donald women. 1 t 17 Years)-5 .MIles *the futur B3ob Shank and George ls' Raee-à Miles gThie a so, Mary, Jane MeCue sgazei Awardsfo 1938 be requii was awarded to each people w ;ed the finish line first fail. Th, cntirn. li1e ,ilîreturjî to he Wvnmett pulpit on .August 7 a1id will close bis iministn lhere on September 4. Cruiser Stranded; Gasoline Runs Out BlobS Next Singing Tower in 15- Char] Program Announced plete 5-1 -Next Sunday afternoon at tbe sing- RE inig tower of the Cburch of the FIoly Mliss Comiforter. Kenilworth. arecitî aw T 4year-old cIlrss - - Harold 1Langford-Tjed 16-yar-od ca~Higli Jind Tears tgirl to coir- Down Tree Limbs TO NEW YORK j1 Thnde t ind er a returnd t A severe wind and electrical storfi rnday~rnk after the avlluoài.!àhn.'.. 01.-~ -141 -,1i-t vJ me AUw IJUInU M iuD1or w iimette an ffdprocOOdO go to philanthropie purposes. about this- wéel where she-