Phone OREenleaf.80 OnIy fleet of New Cab$ i" Radios Your Favorite Program Whie You Ride RATES STILL ONLY Sc 1/2n MILE HaveVouOrderged Von, COALY - ~BeterBy NOW! Scut Coblu. The above photograph shoics int- terior of the .nezc,13 comleted Ca'bli of the Wilmette Girl Scouts b- L. W. Beekjer. r Wllisà A. Berbllflger Martinl H. Bickhamin Bernard S. Black John ,T. Booz M. .I.Bower Lorin A. Bower' Henry J. Brandt Gale Mý%. Brooks George 1. Brownl Win. E. Burgoyne, Edrlùfld W. Burke MeIrlin G, 'Bush OPhomas J. CarR'ey W. H-. Chambers IFred M.Clarke Ralpjh D. ClaY Dr. H. S. Condit Benjamin N. Cox James C. CrOésleY Herb. IR. Dahncke T11fn .. Darlfint C. c. Mchjuijre A. A regff J. *Nye Macalister James MNagill Charles 0O .NMainý Roy R.. Marquardt Leslie E. MNatson Edwntrd Meler Dr. F. W. Merrifield Samn C. Meyers Howard MNiller Olivrer Morton Staver Moiildhû- T. C., Mouldink George E. Moyer John A . Neale Fredk. J. Newey Clark E. Nolan Herb. L. OConnell John W. Ogren. Harper E. Osborn Carl A. Peterson Stanley M%. Peterson Irvinz 'M. Pettis No Dust - No Smolce - No So ot COAL & MATERIAL CO* WiIme,#* 4200 Il Hear Four Guest Preachers preachers will occupy the f the First Presbyterian Ninth street at Greeneaf luring the month of August. 5Mw- Wids- Cte~r'avft ce 1inlue Aùgiude Arugg n church, La Crosse,. Dr. George L. Robir byterian Serninary, 21-the Rev. Arthur mnerlv of. the Fi cliurc h. Gibson Citv -Dr. A. J. "Dad" El Eev. A., J. Nie- First* Presbyterian Wis.: August 14- nson of the Pres- Chicago-, August r G. Adamns, for-j 4406 r. is a, s e <1 ~ ier., Prtson Dn. J r. .lnwm leexTlaf ter:, o-t. i Mr.