Engene Orman~dy, who shares the distinction with Leopold Stokowski of l)eiflg co-conductor of the Phil- adeiphia orchestra, may be heard dirccting-that organization on the air juv 4.an on Tuly 28 he will takc un thc h aton with the Chicago- Svm- hovorchestra as -guest conductor f.or theSfnal two weeks of the Ra- viniia Festival season at Ravinlia Park. ' o sav' "take up. the. baton"ý isa fleure, of speech for Mr. Ormandy' neyer lises one, preferring to direct with-eloquent.hands aid eyes. Baton.- * esand %corele.ss,,he.is credited with a gargantuanl musical memorvI. even to'the long and complicated wýorks. Of Nialiler and Bruckner, to say nothing' of ail the Beethoven symlphonies. Brahms, Tschaikowsky, MVagner and a zoodiv quantity of modern works. ilu states that hielhas tiever'in thé *history of his career conducted froni a soe Jaschia Heifetz, world renowned violinist, will bc on the prograin of the Raviiiia festival this week-end. He is schediided 'taappear as gulest soloist Satiirday eîening, July 30, and again -on Siiday aI ternroon, July 31. seýction of the Capitol theater in .\ç,,,VYork to conduct one of the worlds great-orchiestras. He is presi- dent of the Schubert Memorial, Iic., successor to. the late Ossip Gabril-- witch, and is the recipient of the Mahler medal of the Bruckiner so- cietyv. 111 1936 he received the Kilyeni Bruckner, Medal given, to hiim as mie, I 1UKI.Cs .-u: view at the fro'm juIy 28 is cordially ii ,jI Ur Vhe, Mrs. each summer at the composer's birthi-;__________ Place in'Linz, Austria. Cowj lwn 0 lwo Ormandy was namned for Jenomo ae od Hubav, the famous Hungarian iO- aofuethis ekfo ytie-ek linist. His wife is Steffany.Goldneroftour cf exico heewe formerly a harpist with the Philadel -___tour ___of___Mexico.___ phia orchestra. Heifetz Guëst SoIoiet linist always presages an event of IDU~ R *- à A. 1 1 ' OTO VI.NISHING ANT ROLL FILM (6 or 8 Exp.) ProfessieloIy D.vlp.d end Prim. Ail W@r Gar.t. ci o u R A I R